Aaron Hotchner- Secound Thoughts

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Hotch gets second thoughts about dating you(I know that sounds bad but it's not I promise)

You and Aaron had been dating for almost a month now. You've known each other for years. He was many things to you over the years. Boss, friend, best friend, and then lover.

Things were working out nicely, up until a week ago when you noticed Aaron acting different around you. He usually never gave you any special attention when at work, he was still your boss after all. He treated you like the rest of the team, but you've noticed that he's barley even spoken to you. Nor does he have you go with him when you all are on a case. Off work he hadn't asked you to go anywhere with him, and his texts and conversations seem a bit flat.

You wondered if things weren't working out between you two, but you thought it was crazy because less than a week ago everything was great. More than great actually. Aaron finally introduced you to Jack as his girlfriend. Jack was happy about that. You and Jack got along great, you've known each other for a while now and you were there when he was just a toddler.

"Great work everyone. Go home and get some rest," Hotch said after getting back from a case. You tried to look at him but he kept his eyes anywhere but your direction and headed to his office.

Reid noticed this too and mumbled so that only you could hear, "you should go talk to him." He squeezed your shoulder lightly before heading out with the rest of the team.

You walked to his office and knocked on the door. After hearing his "come in." You opened the door to see him filling out some paperwork at his desk. He glanced up and then quickly looked back at the papers when he realized it was you. Your heart sank a little.



A little louder, "Aaron."


"Aaron Hotchner you look at me," you demanded.

He sighed, setting down his pen and looking up at you. "Do you have a question about the case?"

You couldn't belive him. What had you done to deserve this kind of treatment from him. "You know damn well this isn't about the case. You've been ignoring me all week!"

"I haven't been ignoring you."

"Okay well damn near it. If you...if you don't want to be with me that's fine, but don't just do this- you make me think I did something to you. If I hurt you I'm sorry."

Aarons eyes softened a little. He stood up but kept his position behind the desk, "you didn't do anything y/n. I promise," he whispered.

"Then what's wrong? You know you can tell me."

He sighed slightly and walked over to you, "I'm having second thoughts," was all he said.

Your heart sank lower. You hadn't been expecting that. Anything but that. You bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from crying and nodded ever so slightly.

"No no not like that. I- I really like you y/n I do. Being with you makes me feel whole, like I was missing something and when I met you I found it."

"Then why the second thoughts?"

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened them again and looked at you. You could tell he was struggling with what he was about to say.

"I'm scared. Scared because I love you. Scared because I don't want to get too close to you and have you leave me like Haley did. I also don't want Jack to get too attached to you and then us break up and have him be crushed too, that's not fair to him. He's been through so much already. I don't want him to get his hopes up. He really likes you y/n, we both do," he took your hands in his and held them close.

"Oh Aaron, why didn't you say something?"

"I thought I was just being ridiculous."

"You aren't being ridiculous. That's a valid reason to have second thoughts. I don't blame you, especially after what you've been through. But Aaron you can't push me away because your scared. If you don't want to be with me fine, but if you do then we need to talk about it," you said while rubbing the back of his hands with your thumb.

He gave you a small smile before nodding, "maybe you can come over and we can talk? Once Jacks asleep that is."

You and Aaron went home to his place and were greeted by a sleepy, but exited Jack. After Aaron put him to bed the two of you sat on the couch and talked. He talked about everything he was feeling while you listened with your head on his shoulder. You knew everything was going to be okay between the two of you.

After talking everything out you two began to talk and laugh with each other, enjoying each other's company. The sound of footsteps coming from the halfway made both of you turn to see little Jack walking into the living room.

"Jack what are you doing out of bed? It's late," Aaron said, unable to keep the hint of amusement out of his voice as Jack climbed up on the couch between you and Aaron and snuggled up against him.

"I can't sleep daddy. I missed you, and I wanted to see y/n," Jack replied.

"Jack, you know it's past your bedtime. You get ten minutes." Aaron rubbed his back and smiled at him. "I missed you too buddy."

Jack yawned and laid his head on Aaron's chest. Then he grabbed one of your hands and held it close to him. You kissed the top of his head and wondered how you got so lucky.

"Daddy is y/n gonna marry you and live with us?" Jack asked suddenly.

Aaron was taken aback by the question, sending you a small glance before looking to a curious Jack, "I don't know buddy. We haven't been dating long so I guess we'll see how things go."

"I really like her. Can you pleaseeee see how things go faster? Please daddy." Jack looked up hopefully at Aaron but he didn't know how to respond.

You quickly spoke up, "well Jack. Sometimes two people need time to date each other to see if things will work out before they make a big decision like getting married. But I'll always be in your life, and I'll be around so much you'll get sick of me." You tickled his side, sending Jack into fits of giggles. Aaron looked at you a small lopsided smile. You could see all those fears and worries about the future melting away from his eyes, replacing it with pure love.

Jack leaned back into you, "I love you y/n," he said softly, now falling back into a state of sleepiness. Your heart melted as you pulled him close and rubbed his back.

"I love you too Jack." You could tell Jack was trying to stay up, but sleep overtook him in less than five minutes.

"Everything's going to be okay," you whispered to Aaron once you knew Jack was asleep.

He leaned in and kissed you softly, "I know."

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