Aaron Hotchner- Undercover

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You and Hotch were looking for the unsub at a club you suspected he visits to kill his victims. Hotch was sitting on a stool with an untouched drink on the counter where he sat. His hand sat on his thigh but you saw it move to settle over his gun as he watched you. You appreciated his protectiveness and concern but he really should know by now that you could handle things on your own. Guess that doesn't matter when you start dating your already protective boss.

You also suspected he was jealous. You knew him well enough by now. Plus you were flirting around with practically ever man to try and find the unsub, so what man wouldn't get a little prickly about it, even if it was fake.

You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his shoulder and leaned down to whisper in his ear, "how am I supposed to find the unsub when you keep glaring daggers at any man I talk to? You're scaring them off."

Hotch looked over at you and gave you a small smile, for any outsiders sake, because you were just flirting it up with another man. "We profiled that the unsub is overly dominant, he'd be thrilled by a little competition," he whispered back.

You shook your head, "yes but it doesn't look natural, you staring at me the whole time. We're strangers after all."

Hotch's hands found their way to your waist as he turned around to face you, pulling you close until your legs were in between his thighs, "what if I'm just really..." he paused to kiss your neck, nipping slightly at it, "attracted to you."

You pretended to think about it for a moment, and then shook your head, "sorry buster but I'm just not into older men," he wasn't that much older than you, but it was still fun to tease him. You turned around and started to walk away before Aaron grabbed your waist and pulled you into his lap. You squirmed in his grip, fighting a smile, "don't make me get a restraining order!" You huffed.

"Don't make me fire you," he huffed back, tickling your sides. You giggled and connected your lips to his, kissing him sloppily. Hotch groaned softly against your lip, sending butterflies coursing through your stomach.

You pulled away sooner than you wanted, but you still had a job to do, "now stop glaring at everyone who so much as glances at me," you tugged on his tie and pecked his cheek before making your way to the dance floor to go unsub hunting again.

The hunt didn't last long however, because a tall guy with brown hair and freckles walked up to you, the corner of his mouth turned up into a charming smile. "Hey, I noticed you getting friendly with the old guy over there, you could do much better than that babygirl," he grinned at you.

You swallowed down the anger rising up in your chest, who was he to call Hotch old?? But this could very well be the unsub, so you had to play it nice and see where things went. "Yeah you're probably right, but are you much better?" You looked him up and down. "How old are you?"

He chose not to answer that, instead he leaned uncomfortably close to you "Mmm I dunno, want me to show you how much better I could be? Or are you into that man over there," he nodded his head towards Hotch, and you turned your head slightly to see him sulking in his seat. His eyes met yours for a second before he looked away, but his hand went to his hip where his gun was at, letting you know he's ready to murder this guy, unsub or not. You pursed your lips and turned away from him and back to the guy.

His hand touched your elbow, "c'mon baby, don't look at him. Look at me," the way he said it sent chills down your body, and not the good kind of chills. He was being dominant. He felt threatened by Hotch. He was starting to look more and more like the unsub, but there was only one way to find out.

"Well I was considering going home with him...but if you have more to offer I wouldn't be oppose," you ran your fingers down his chest, hating every second of it. You couldn't see him but you knew Hotch was glaring, almsot like you could feel it.

"Well what are we waiting for?" The guy asked, "but first what's your name?"

"Y/n. Yours?"

"John." He grinned at you and squeezed your arm, "c'mon baby let's get out of here," he put his hand on your lower back and led you out of the club. He pushed you up against the wall when you two were alone and he pulled out a knife, holding it against your throat, "now you listen here you little bitch. You're going to behave yourself and let me play around with you, got that?" He hissed in your ear, his breath smelled sour, almost making you gag.

He had pinned your hands to your sides, making you unable to draw your gun. Hotch took care of it though. One minute John was pinning you to the wall and the next he was lying on the floor with blood on his face from where Hotch punched him repeatedly.

"If you ever touch her again I will end you," he practically growled. He yanked him up and handcuffed him as the police came to take him.

Hotch turned to you, "are you okay?"

You nodded and wrapped your arms around his waist and he held you close, stroking your hair. "I hated that, I hated it so much," Hotch whispered to you. He kissed the top of your head.

"Hated what exactly?" You asked.

"All of it. You pretending to flirt with guys who were actually interested in you, you getting toyed around by a psychopath, the fact that I can't protect you from this job."

"Aaron I chose this, I wouldn't have applied for the job if I couldn't handle this type of stuff."

Hotch nodded, but kept you close to him, you could see a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Why the hell are you smirking now?" You asked.

"Oh it's nothing, just curious as to what this old man had to offer you tonight," he kissed the tip of your nose.

You rolled your eyes and hit his chest playfully, "don't you tease me for the things I say while undercover," you huffed.

"Well if my nonexistent offer still stands then I'd love to take you back to my place," he winked at you. Aaron. Fucking. Hotchner winked at you.

You hooked your arms around his neck and kissed him briefly, "you mean the 3 star hotel we're staying at?" You raised your eyebrow at him.

"Well it was all that was available, it has a perfectly good bed though."

"Aaron it squeaks when you so much as move a muscle," you giggled.

"Well then I guess we'll have to tell the rest of the team to wear headphones tonight," he smirked again, kissing behind your ear.

"Fine, but it's your fault if they hate me tomorrow."

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