Spencer Reid- Matchmaker

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"This is stupid."

"Oh c'mon it is not."

You just got done explaining to Reid that you were going to try to set him up. He's been the one to make subtle comments about not being able to get women, so you suggested that you take matters into your own hands. Everyone else on the team has either had, or are currently in a relationship. The best Reid's ever gotten was a heated kiss in a pool.

Never mind the fact that deep down you knew you had feelings for him, that wasn't something you tried to acknowledge, for many reasons. The biggest one being that you knew Reid didn't feel the same way.

"Aren't you tired of Morgan teasing you?" You pressed, nodding towards Morgan who was also in the conversation, as well at the rest of the team. Turns out they were all for getting into Reid's personal life for a source of entertainment.

He knit his brows, "yes, but I don't need to get set up."

"C'mon pretty boy you need someone to spice things up," Morgan smirked at him. You could see Reid's cheeks redden.

"It's stupid," he repeated.

"C'mon give her a chance," Emily chimed in.

"What could go wrong?" This time from Rossi.

"A lot, statistically speaking-.."

Morgan cut him off . "Just let her set you up, there's no statistics in this Reid, let her find you another dork so you can at least be a dork in love," he insisted

"Fine, but if you set me up with some sociopathic women I will forever have it out for you," Reid told you.

You shrugged, smiling innocently, "it will be fine, Spence. I was the one who nudged Will into making a move on JJ and see how that turned out? You got yourself a godson. I can't be that bad. I'm a matchmaker, certified."

"Ah that makes me feel so much better." You could feel the sarcasm dripping off him.

"Relax," you giggled, "I've got this."

Hotch came out from his office and informed the team that they had a new case. Matchmaking would have to start another time.

It turns out though, another time came soon enough. You knew who the unsubs next victim was, so you, Morgan, and Reid raced to the girls house. She was a pretty girl around your age, named Lauren. Straight brown hair and green eyes. Morgan went to help the rest of the team hunt down the unsub while you and Reid acted as guards for the girl.

You nudged Reid a little bit, "you should talk to her," you whispered.

He shook his head slightly, "we have a job to do."

"I've got it taken care of," you rolled your eyes at him and nudged him again, in her direction. He sighed and made his way over to her. You ignored the pit in your stomach as you watched him strike up a conversation with her.


On the way back home, you sat beside Reid on the jet. You were dying to ask how things went with him and Lauren, but you didn't get a chance to ask because things got a little crazy from that point on.

"So..." you started, "how'd it go with Lauren? Did you get her number?"

He looked slightly uncomfortable, "yeah, I got it."

"Then what's with that face?"

"I don't know," he frowned, "I'm just not that interested." He shrugged his shoulders.

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