Derek Morgan- Arguments

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Requested by hailsdior

"I can't believe you'd go in there without the rest of us! That was so stupid and reckless! Not to mention idiotic!"

You were standing there seething at your best friend who had gone in alone to catch the unsub. He was lucky he still had his life and he didn't even seem to care about what he did! Your blood boiled whenever he was reckless like that, especially because you didn't know what you'd do if one day that recklessness costed him his life.

"We were running out of time! He had a kid in there, y/n, a kid!"

"We were almost there! You couldn't have waited an extra minute or so!? Is your life that meaningless to you!?" You snapped.

"Oh don't you do that! You know it wasn't like that! It was a matter of saving peoples lives!" He snapped back.

"While very seriously risking your own!"

"If that's what has to be done then yeah! That's my job." His tone was cold and hard, something you hated.

"Your job isn't some suicide mission," you hissed through clenched teeth.

Everyone fiber in your body was on fire with rage. Your vision was clouded with red and slowly that vision started to blur when thick, angry tears welled in your eyes. Every second you stood there you got more angry at him.

"Do you know what that would do to me if you got hurt?? Or worse? Do you know how painful that would be? But I guess you don't give a damn as long as you get to play hero right?"

You knew you went too far, but you were so angry at him that you didn't care at the moment. You loved Derek, much more than you let on, and the thought of him losing his life made your stomach turn. He could be so careless sometimes!

"Why is this such a big deal!? You never flip out when anyone else does anything risky!?? What about that time when Reid blocked Hotch from shooting that unsub? You didn't flip out on him!" His voice grew louder, and he flung his hands up while he shouted.

"Because I love you, Derek!" You shouted back before you could stop yourself. Your cheeks flared and your eyes fell away from his face quickly. You didn't dare look at him.

"Well I love you too but that doesn't mean you need to get worked up about this!"

So he was...totally oblivious.

You sighed heavily, "not like that, Morgan."

His eyebrow shot up, and then realization crossed his face. His eyes widened and his jaw went slack. He blinked a couple of times, and then cleared his throat.

"Oh," was all he managed to say.

Well that wasn't very encouraging.

Blinking back tears, you turned around quickly and went into one of the SUV's, where you let yourself break down.


You didn't speak to him from that point on, not even on the jet ride back home. What was there to say? You were too angry to say anything rational and too upset that you admitted your feelings for him.

You were at home curled up on the couch, sulking when you heard a knock at your door, and then Derek's familiar, muffled voice.

"Baby girl, can we talk?"

You ignored him and buried your head on your knees. You didn't feel like talking. Plus you didn't want him to see your face. You had spent the evening crying your heart out. You just couldn't get the thought out of your mind, of Derek getting hurt, or dying. Derek was your everything, even if it was only platonic for him. Losing him would be too painful. It didn't help that he had to be so reckless all the time.

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