Derek Morgan- Super Star Part 2

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It took a lot of courage, but once you made the first phone call, the rest was history. You talked to Morgan almost daily, for hours on end. Unless of course he was on a case. In that case you sulked around the house, wishing he'd call you and tell you that he finished.

You couldn't explain just how good those phone calls made you feel. Just the mere sound of his voice gave you chills. You lost countless amounts of sleep just staying up and talking to him on the phone. The butterflies you got in your stomach when he called was worth any amount of lost sleep.

It wasn't until about three months into this long distance relationship- if you could call it that, that you decided to take a flight to Virginia to visit him. You didn't tell him, wanting it to be a surprise. Instead you called up Morgan's best friend, Garcia to help plan everything.

You met Garcia on the phone last month, and the two of you hit it off well. Whenever you weren't having a conversation with Morgan, you were on the phone with Garcia. She couldn't wait to meet you, telling you over and over again that you just had go shopping with her when you got there.

You were anxious on the flight to Virgina. You and Morgan were perfectly comfortable with each other on the phone, but this was different. The memories of the last time you saw him in person made your cheeks flare and your stomach fill with butterflies.

You were greeted by Garcia the moment you left the plane. She was grinning from head to toe, and you realized that she looked even prettier in person. You tentatively approached her, not quite sure how you were supposed to greet her. She didn't seem to be thinking the same thing, as she swept you up into a
hug the moment you were in reach of her.

You chuckled and wrapped your arms around her, embracing her back with as every bit of enthusiasm.

She pulled away, grin still in place as she grabbed both your hands in her own. "It is so nice to finally meet you in person! Derek's going to love this!"

You wanted to surprise Morgan while he was at work, so the two of you chatted on the drive there.

"His office is right over there."

You walked over to his office, your nerves on high alert. Morgan told you to come in when you knocked, and so you did. It took him a second to register when he glanced up and saw you standing there, but then his whole face lit up.


He leapt up from his chair, dashing to your side in an instant. He literally swept you off your feet and spun you around in circles. You held onto his shoulders and tried not to get too dizzy. When he finally set you down he held you at arms length.

"How are- why are you here?"

You were grinning almsot as wide as he was. "I wanted to surprise you."

"Well surprised I am. Mm, sweetheart I missed you." He hugged you again, tightly.

"I missed you too," you mumbled against this chest, fighting to breathe.

"Were are you staying at?" He loosened his arms around you.

You looked up at him. "Well Penelope offered to let me stay with her."

"Nonsense. You can stay with me."

Your smile was shy, "If you're okay with it."

"Of course I am."

And with that, he kissed you.


"You guys remember y/n, right?" Morgan asked as he led you into the bullpen where the rest of his co-workers were at, all ready to leave for the night.

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