Aaron Hotchner- Birthday Wishes

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Requested by maraudersl0ve

He told them he didn't need a big celebration for his birthday. It wasn't as if it was something he was looking forward to anyways. So making a big deal out of it was pointless.

You insisted otherwise though, which was why at this moment he was standing over a cake- his cake, in the dining room with the team, fiancé, and his son surrounding him.

He did well as hiding his embarrassment when they all sang to him.

"Well go on, make a wish," you insisted when thankfully, the singing came to an end. It wasn't just the embarrassment of being sung to, but also the fact that none of the members of the team could hit a proper note. They sounded like a ravenous pack of wolves, but he didn't say it allowed because he suspected that it would end in his face getting shoved into the cake.

Instead of masking a wish, he thought of you. Why ask for something when he's already found the best thing in his life? He had everything he's ever wanted.

He thought back to the day the two of you met. It wasn't the most idle meeting. You bumped into him at the parking lot, spilling your coffee all over his white dress shirt. He almost smiled at the memory, how flustered you were as you hastily tried to wipe the coffee stain with a napkin. How you stuttered profusely when he told you who he was. That day was the day you were going in to have your interview, and spilling coffee over the guy who would be deciding wether you got the job or not was not a good first start.

He remembered reassuring you that all was well, and that he looked forward to the interview, but that he would have to be a bit late because he was now in need of a new shirt.

He remembered seeing the excitement on your face when he told you he would like to have you on the team, and he remembered the way your warm hand fit perfectly into his when he shook your hand. He especially remembered how that made his own hand exceptionally warm.

The next memory wasn't the happiest to begin with, but it changed his life forever. He remembered the day he fell in love with you.

At that point he had developed a crush on you, but for the most part he pushed those feelings aside because you were working together after all, and if he tried to make something out of his feelings and things didn't work out...well it would put a strain on the job and create unnecessary tension. He didn't want to mess with work like that, not when he valued his job to much.

Things changed though, all in a matter of seconds.

They were face to face with an unsub, and just when they thought they were getting through to him, he fired his gun. It would have been him, he wished it was him, but before he knew it you had stepped in front of him and took a bullet to the chest. The funny thing was that he felt pain so severe it was almost as if he himself got shot. Pain of knowing that you were hurt.

His hands came around your waist, catching you before you fell to the ground while Morgan shot the unsub.

He held you until the paramedics came and took you. He was right there in the ambulance, willing you to be okay.

He thought over his feelings at the hospital, pacing back and fourth in the room while you laid there unconscious.

He knew that the moment you took that bullet for him that he fell in love with you. When you laid unconscious in his arms, all he could feel was the desperation for you to be okay so that he could have his chance to tell you how he felt, to be with you.

So when you woke up that's what he did, but it shocked him when he found out that you felt the same.

"You took a bullet for me, y/n," he said when you were conscious enough to understand him.

"I would apologize, but I'm not going to."

"Why'd you do it?"

"Because I care about you," you answered to quickly, your ears turning pink.

"Either way, it was reckless," he replied sharply. He didn't like the idea of you risking your life like that for him.

Your cheeks turned red, and he noticed how you couldn't look him in the eyes. "I guess people do reckless things when they're in love," you whispered.

He didn't let any surprise cross his face, though he indeed felt very surprised. It took him a minute before he could find his voice.

"Well I think because of your recklessness, you should go out to dinner with me," he answered.

"I just took a bullet for you and now I'm supposed to repay you?"

"Fine. Let me take you out as a thank you for being reckless, even if that's not what I wanted."

He stared while he waited for your reply, but you still wouldn't look at him.

"I'd love to," you answered slowly.

He smiled, ever so slightly.

"Great. Now get some rest. That's an order."

The date went well, and it was followed by many more. One of the happiest moments he's ever had though, was when he introduced you to Jack as his girlfriend.

It was about three weeks into the relationship, and he finally thought it was time to tell Jack.

He wasn't sure how Jack would react. He had only ever gone on one other date since Haley. Jack loved you, he loved everyone Aaron worked with, but he didn't know how he'd feel about his father being in a relationship. He knew he was overreacting. He was only five, but he couldn't help but worry.

His worrying was for nothing, because Jack was thrilled that you were able to come around and visit more often. After a while the three of you seemed like a family. Jack was over the top exited when he was told that you would be moving into the house with them a year later.

The final memory he thought about was the day he proposed to you. It was nothing romantic, but the moment itself was a mesmerizing memory. The look on your face was priceless when he got down on his knee inside his office and took out a ring from his pocket.

"Will you make me the happiest man alive by being Mrs. Agent Hotchner?" He asked softly, a rare show of emotion on his face.

With your eyes shining with tears, you nodded, and while Aaron didn't shed any tears that night, he truly felt like the happiest man alive at that moment, especially when he stood up and slipped the ring onto your finger and embraced you like never before. You clung to him, squeezing maybe a bit too tight, but he never complained.

Those moments flashed before his eyes in mere seconds. So fast that nobody noticed his brief moment of thoughts. He blew out the candles and pulled you closer to his side.

JJ started cutting the cake, and while they were busy with that, you pulled Aaron off to the side.

"You looked like you were lost in thoughts back there. What did you wish for?" You whispered.

So apparently he hadn't fooled her.

"It wasn't a wish. I was just thinking about us," he whispered back.

A slow smile spread across your face. You pulled him down and captured his lips in a gentle kiss, the kind that sent Aaron's stomach fluttering.

Morgan whistled, "hey we're trying to eat here. You can have that dessert later."

Aaron pulled away and glared daggers at him, "don't make me fire you, Morgan," he said sharply.

"Sure, sure," he snickered and handed him a plate with cake and ice cream on it.

You reached up on your tiptoes and whispered in Aaron's ear, "I'm not done with you yet, Hotchner," you kissed his cheek and went to get some cake, leaving Aaron standing there looking like a man who had  just won the lottery.

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