Spencer Reid- One Night Stand

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The team was out celebrating the win of another case. Although you noticed Spencer sitting at another booth, far from everyone else. A small book was in his hands and a glass of water sat on the table by his wrist. You made your way over to him and found a spot across from him.

"You could try to have some fun you know," you commented, watching as he set his book down and folded his hands together, laying them on the table across from you.

"This isn't really my scene," he replied nonchalantly.

"Yeah, yeah," you rolled your eyes playfully, "we all know it's not your scene, but just try to relax and unwind. That's the whole purpose."

He sighed a little, excepting defeat. "Fine, I'll try."

"Great! I'll go get some drinks." You stood up and went to order the drinks, noticing Spencer eyeing his book longingly as you waited for your drinks.

You came back and set the glasses down on the table. Spencer took the glass and stared at it before taking a small sip, his face scrunching up with displeasure. You noted the little lines on his nose when he scrunched it up, and then looked away with a faint blush on your cheeks. 

You huffed a laugh at his expression, "it's not so bad." you took a swig of your own drink.

You marveled at how easy it was to sit there in that small booth and make meaningless conversation with Reid while drinking one drink after the other until you both felt warm and fuzzy in that small space. The two of you were leaned forward in your seats, an  unconscious decision on both parts. Your words were starting to slur a bit, and his were getting harder to understand.

"Can I just say," Reid started, his voice slightly slurred, "your cheeks are beautiful when they are flushed pink like they are now," he brushed his hand across your cheek, and then giggled to himself. Ah, so he was the giddy type when drunk.

Drunk Reid was downright adorable though. Even you in your own drunken state noticed the subtle changes. His smile was not something awkward or seemingly forced, instead it was carefree and light, his cheeks were also flushed a delicate pink that made him desirable, and his conversations flowed without a care of any judgement, or stutter for that matter. He seemed at total ease and confident in his skin, you liked to see him like that.

You momentarily forgot the rest of the team until Morgan came over to tell you that they were ready to head home. Hotch, the only one completely sober, was going to drive you all home.

You didn't know how you lied your way into going home with Reid, but when it was his turn to be dropped off, you told them you felt horribly car sick. You reassured them that your place was easily in walking distance, and if you felt too sick you could crash on Reid's couch. You just wanted to spend some more time with him, it felt too good to come to an end so soon.

He didn't seem to object. He led you to his apartment in comfortable silence, and you noticed his hand brush over yours once or twice as you were walking. The touch sent an electric shock through your hand, traveling up your arm, although nothing about this kind of shock hurt you.

Once you were inside, Spencer turned to face you, "so now what?" He asked softly, a light smile on his lips.

The atmosphere felt so different with the two of you in this darkened little room all by yourselves. The only light came from the kitchen, creating just enough light so that you could see each other, but dark enough to get your stomach stirring.

You blinked up at him for a second, and what happened next seemed unavoidable yet unintentional. Your body molded against his and your lips connected against his with hungry passion. All sense was thrown out the window the moment you decided to kiss your best friend.

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