Derek Morgan- Gossip With Garcia

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Keeping a secret from a group of profilers is not an easy task. In fact someone on your team already knew about your secret, and she wasn't even a profiler!

You were in love with your coworker Derek Morgan. You loved everything about him, even down to the smallest detail. His drool worthy muscles that made you feel so protected when he'd hug you, his cocky little smirk, the way he carries himself, his tough guy attitude with a softy inside of him, you loved all of him.

It was also a huge downfall, loving him. You caught yourself staring at him in the middle of work, and you find yourself hanging on to every word he says, you let yourself feel that attraction whenever you got too close to him.

Nobody knew about your ever growing feelings for him, except Garcia. It happened the night when Morgan drove a bomb from inside the ambulance to an empty field. Your heart stopped in a moment of panic because you were also on the phone with him and Garcia at the time. You stood completely frozen until you heard the familiar voice coming from Morgan and you let out a cry of relief.

When you saw him approaching the team, you ran to him at full speed until your body collided with his. He caught you in his arms and held you close.

"Don't do that," you whispered fiercely, clutching his waist.

"I'll try not to, princess," he whispered back, softness filling his voice.

You pulled away sooner than you would have liked. What you wanted to do was stay in his protective, warm arms and never pull away, because he couldn't get himself hurt if he was holding you, but you figured as friends, the more time you lingered in the hug the less friendly it became. Especially a hug like the one you were just giving each other. However, you did cling to his side for the rest of the night, almost never letting him out of your sight, but trying to keep it from being obvious.

Garcia confronted you about it the day after. She said that she noticed how worried you were, and the cry of relief when you heard his voice over the phone. So you told her everything you felt about Morgan, and once you started you couldn't stop. You were thankful that she wouldn't tell anyone else on the team about your feelings, although she did encourage you to tell Morgan the truth.

So one night after coming home from a case, and the day before having watched Morgan get treated for some minor injuries, very much shirtless, you decided to spend some quality time ranting to Garcia.

She smiled brightly when you came into the room, "it's always a fresh breath of relief seeing you guys after a case. It's agonizing thinking about you all out there doing all sorts of dangerous things."

"Oh Pen, we are quite tough, you forget that sometimes," you replied, leaning against the wall.

"Nobody's indestructible my love, now what can I do for you?"

"Just came to visit.."

"Mmhm, or to go on a twenty minute rant over Morgan's abs again?" She gave you a knowing look, making you blush.

"Okay, it definitely wasn't twenty minutes, Garcia," you huffed. "Plus they are nice..."

"I'll say," she smirked at you.

You blushed darker and sighed, "what am I going to do, Pen? Working with him is so hard."

"Wait you're not going to quit are you?" She asked quickly, eyes locked on your face for any sign of a yes.

"No, I love this job, and you guys way too much, but ugh I just want him to..I dunno, slam me again his desk-?" You hung your head, mildly embarrassed.

"Okay wow did not need to know that." She scrunched up her face slightly.

"Sorry," you shrugged your shoulders and smiled sheepishly at her. "But I need someone to talk to."

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