Aaron Hotchner- Sick

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Jack was the first to get sick. Aaron had stayed up with him while he threw up throughout the night, but he woke up the next morning and felt just fine. You couldn't say the same for Aaron though. He acted like he was fine, going about his day at a sluggish pace, but he started throwing up in the afternoon, and then he couldn't ignore it after that.

You ordered him to lay in bed. He grumbled, but complied. You spent some time sitting there in bed while his head was rested on your lap. Your fingers running through his hair and occasionally massaging his scalp. That got him to fall asleep within the first twenty minutes.

Giving him a quick kiss on his cheek, you gently laid his head on his pillow and quietly made your way outside the bedroom, shutting the door on your way out.

in the living room you saw Jack playing with some legos on the floor. When he saw you he
quickly stood up and made his way over to you.

"How's daddy feeling?" He asked.

"Not the best, sweetheart, but he's getting rest. I'm sure he'll feel better soon. Just like you," you reassured him.

"Is it my fault he got sick?"

"No, no it's not your fault, Jack. That's how sickness works, it spreads."

"Oh. Are you going to get sick?"

"Well I hope not. Here let's go make him something to eat for when he wakes up," you suggested.

Jack helped you make some chicken noodle soup, but got bored halfway through it and started to color at the kitchen table.

"What are you making?" You asked him after finishing the soup.

"Something for daddy, see," he held up the half finished paper. "Daddy's right there and this is me holding his hand, and that's you next to me," he explained happily.

"Aww, Jack, it's beautiful. He's going to love it," you kissed his head and watched him finish his drawling.

Then you got a bowl of soup for Arron before going to check on him. You saw that he was half awake, curled up in a ball on his side. You set the bowl on his nightstand and sat down in bed, stroking his arm.

"Mm," he mumbled, shifting his head to sit on your lap.

"Jack and I made you soup if you're hungry," you told him softly.

He sat up sluggishly with his back against the headboard, you took that as a sign and handed him the bowl.

Jack came in a bit later. Aaron ate half of his soup, the bowl sitting back on the nightstand while you held him close in your arms.

"Hey bud," Aaron greeted, before coughing a little, his voice sounded hoarse.

"I made you this," Jack responded, handing Aaron the drawn picture.

He smiled at the drawling, seeming touched by it. "Aww thank you, it's beautiful."

Jack grinned and crawled into bed, cuddling up against Aaron's other side. You were also cuddled up to him, with your head resting on his shoulder while he held the both of you in his arms. "You both make being sick a whole lot easier," he whispered, kissing Jack on the forehead. He looked at you like he wanted to kiss you but didn't want you to get sick. You sighed and pecked his lips to show him that you didn't care. Most likely you'd get sick anyways, but at least you'd have two boys to help you when you did. Aaron smiled at you and gave you a kiss on the forehead.

The soup might not have been a good idea, because about ten minutes later Aaron was in the bathroom throwing up. You told Jack to go in the living room and watch some TV, and he happily agreed. Then you went into the bathroom and rubbed Aaron's back.

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