Spencer Reid- Tobias Hankel

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Requested by Shadow_ofeverything
I do not have this episode engraved in my head so it will be different from the actual show. I can't some of the details from the episode so yeah.

Spencer paced back and fourth in the small house, occasionally gripping at his hair in frustration. He snapped at anyone who tried to talk to him. He knew he was being unfair, but he was just too upset right now to think clearly. 

Tobias Hankel had taken you and he had let it happen.

You and Spencer were in the field when he attacked you. He cursed himself that he was too weak to save you. He had passed from a punch to the gut before he could even try.

The team assumed it was because Spencer felt guilty for not saving you, hence why it was driving him mad, and that was true, but it wasn't the only reason.

Tobias Hankel took the love of his life...and that was a dangerous game he was playing.

Morgan walked into the room, momentarily making Spencer pause with his relentless pacing.

"We'll find her, kid," Morgan assured him. "Whatever it takes."

"But how long will it take before it's a body we find?" He growled lowly.

"Don't underestimate y/n," he answered calmly, unfazed by Spencer's rudeness.

Of course he wasn't underestimating you, but was he overestimating the teams ability to find you in time? He ran a shaking hand through his hair, tugging in frustrating until his scalp stung. He felt like he was suffocating in this small house, knowing that you were out there with a mad man.

He started to pace again, more on edge than ever before. He felt every nerve in his body over the edge, making his skin crawl. The air thickened around him, and he found it harder to breath. Morgan snatched at his shoulders, making him stand still, though his hand still jerked anxiously at his side.

"Keep it together, Reid. You're our best chance at saving her."

Was he really? He found it hard to believe that any sort of knowledge he possessed could save you now.

A small whine escaped his lips, despite trying to keep it together. He buried his head against Morgan's shoulder like a little kid trying to stay hidden in his fathers embrace.

He hated feeling weak like this, but the force of trying to stay strong had tired him. He wanted to lie down in a ball and pretend none of this was happening. That this was all just a dream. He wanted to wake up in his bed with you curled up in his arms. He wanted to feel your touch, to know you were safe.

Hotch walked into the room, making Spencer step back from Morgan to look at him, questioning him with his widened eyes. Hotch just shook his head, squashing that little bit of hope that Spencer started to get.

"We do think he's recording us, and showing it to her."

"I need to see it," Spencer demand, unafraid that he was waltzing around and demanding things from his boss.

Without arguing, Hotch led them into a small room with a desk and computers.

In front of the camera, knowing that you might be at the other end, able to hear him. It gave him a sudden desperate urge. He walked up to the camera slowly.

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