Spencer Reid- One

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Long hours and a few dyin' flowers

But you never seem to stick around

How could you let somethin' so good

Go to waste and bleed the colours out?

You and Spencer had been dating for a few months now and it's been amazing. Your feelings for him started when he was there for you when you got your heart broken by your ex boyfriend. Slowly that bound turned into something more and now you were as happy as ever to be in a relationship with him.

You thought you would never find love again when your ex, Liam Taylor dumped you. Spencer proved that to be false though, and something about him made you feel complete, you didn't feel those feelings with Liam. You loved him of course, and were heartbroken when he dumped you, especially when you saw on social media that he already had a new girlfriend days after he left you. Spencer helped you realize he was just a dick and gave everything up when he left you.

You don't know what you got 'til it's gone

Know when it's right 'til it's wrong

In search of perfect when you had it with you all along

You broke her heart down with ease

Now I'm pickin' up every piece

You must be so hard to please

You and Spencer were heading to a bar. It wasn't his scene but last weekend you had to play chess with him for four damn hours so he could spare a couple hours of his night.

He took your hand in his once you entered the building, "I wish they served food, I could go for some nachos, or literally anything."

You chuckled and squeezed his hand, "we can go get you some food later, promise." You kissed his cheek, "I'll go get something to drink, want anything?"

"No I'll be okay," he let go of your hand and sat at a table while you ordered yourself a beer.

You came back and sat across from Spencer, "We need to visit JJ and Will soon, I miss Henry so much."

"What do you mean we just saw him a few days ago?"

"Yes well you obviously don't have baby fever like a normal human would," you rolled your eyes at him, making him chuckle.

"I'll start to like him when he gets less bald and wrinkly. It's just...not attractive, I don't know."

You giggled and shook your head, "how are babies not adorable?"

"They just aren't."

"Mmm well let's hope you at least find our kids adorable."

His face reddened, "o-our what? I wasn't aware that we- since when did we have children?"

"Well, for future references," you felt yourself blushing as well.

"Ah I see," he smirked slightly, "and when exactly do you plan on having our children?"

You blushed darker, "Spence I don't know. Shush."

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