Aaron Hotchner- Hypothetically

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Requested by Marvelhoe474

You would do just about anything to solve a case...but pretending to be Hotch's wife to catch an unsub wasn't something you were particularly eager to do for one simple reason. You were absolutely head over heels for him, and you have been since day one.

The unsub is a white male in his mid thirties who goes after married couples were the husbands are overly dominant and even abusive to their spouses. He stabs the guys to the point of overkill while he shoots the women and lays them in a sleeping position, a sign of remorse. In his mind he's doing these women a favor by killing them.

So today Hotch was going to be your abusive husband. You laughed at the idea of Hotch being anything even remotely abusive.

You would go to this club where the unsub usually picks his victims. You wore a short black dress that fit your body perfectly in every angle. Your eyebrows shot up when you saw Hotch still in his crisp suit.

"I don't think people wear suits to clubs," you commented. He turned to face you with slightly narrowed eyes until he saw you, at which point his eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he turned his gaze to the wall.  You tried not to smile at the man's reaction to you in that dress, but how could you not when you impressed the one and only Aaron Hotchner?

"I didn't know what else to wear," he replied.

"Not this, you scream FBI agent," you giggled. "Take the jacket off."

"I do not," he protested, but took the jacket off nonetheless, leaving him in his white dress shirt.

"And the tie." You hesitantly brought your hands up to his tie and started to undo the knot. He made no protest as you slid the tie off and handed it to him.

"See? Much better."

"It doesn't seem much better," he huffed.

"Oh c'mon you look adorable," your cheeks blazed crimson at your own words, and you quickly looked away before he could see. "We should get going," you added.

"Wait a minute, lovebirds!" Morgan called while making his way to the two of you. "I've got the fake rings."

"Morgan, we really don't need rings.." you insisted, the blush still visible on your cheeks.

"Yes you do. Hotch would want everyone to know that you belong to him and him only," he winked at you once and handed you the ring.

You sure wished Hotch wanted you to belong to him. You slid the ring on with ease, but it felt heavy against your finger, maybe because of what it was supposed to represent. Hotch slid his on as well and then handed Morgan his jacket and tie.

You walked into the club with your arm wrapped around Hotch's, all the while your stomach was knotting up from his touch. You leaned against the counter of the bar while Hotch ordered two drinks that you wouldn't be drinking. You scanned the crowed of people to try and spot the unsub. If he stuck to his usual pattern of killing every other day then he should be here. You didn't see anyone who would stand out so you turned your attention to Hotch.

"I can't find him."

"Well he'll try to blend in, we have to make a scene in order for him to pose any interest in us," he responded in a low voice so that nobody would overhear. Unfortunately that meant his lips were close to your ear, making it harder to focus.

"There's no point in making a scene if he isn't even here yet," you pointed out. You found it particularly hard at the moment to make eye contact with him, all the while your body was screaming to move just a little bit closer to him. Instead you tried to put distance between you and let your eyes roam over the crowed of people.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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