Aaron Hotchner- Jealousy

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Your old school friend Nathan was in town this week, so you offered to meet up with him at work on your lunch break, that way he could meet your team as well. Most importantly, your boyfriend and boss, Aaron.

You were sitting at your desk finishing up some paperwork before hearing your name being called from behind you. You turned around to see a familiar lanky, honey blonde haired boy standing behind you. The curls of his hair fell in waves across his forehead and his eyes were a deep hazel. The dimple on his left cheek popped out when he smiled at you. He had a simple white t-shirt and dark jeans on. He never liked to dress up when he didn't have to.

You stood up quickly and leapt into his arms in an enthusiastic hug. He grinned at you and hugged you back tightly. You took in the sweet smell of his familiar cologne while he swayed from side to side with you still in his arms.

"Long time no see," he chuckled a little when he finally let go. "Look at you, you really made a name for yourself agent y/l/n."

"You did too Mr. Attorney," you smiled, one of the reasons he became such a close friend in school was because of your shared ambitions for a hard earned job. It was about the only thing Nathan was head on about.

"I'll admit it was a lot of work to get through to become a lawyer, but it was worth it in the end. I get to argue for a living! How cool is that?" His grin widened across his lips.

You laughed lightly and studied his face. He had changed a lot, grown up since the last time you saw him. "you've changed." You admitted.

"I know," he smirked, making his voice deeper and then winking at you. "So have you," he added more seriously, "not in a bad way of course- I'm not saying you look old," he rambled on, his ears turning red, something he did when he was embarrassed.

You poked him in the ribs swiftly, making him chuckle. You saw from the corner of your eyes, JJ and Emily who were eyeing the two of you. You rolled your eyes at them, which apparently they took as a sign to come over.

"Who's this?" Emily asked in amusement. Her eyes wandered down his frame.

"Nathan, Nathan Peterson," he replied, grinning again. He was naturally a ray of sunshine, especially in the presence of pretty women.

"Hello Nathan," JJ replied, "I'm Jennifer Jareau, JJ for short, and this is Emily Prentiss. Are you a friend of y/n's?"

"Mhm, school pals and all." He draped his arm over your shoulder for emphasis. You relished in the warmth of Nathan's body as he pulled you to his side. You realized just how much you had missed him. 

"Really? Just friends?" Emily eyed you suspiciously. You blushed crimson and glared daggers at her.

"Ah, we kissed once on a dare, but that's all." He replied for you. He scrunched up his face and chuckled, no doubt rethinking that horribly awkward memory.

Aaron came down with a small frown on his face. He knew Nathan was coming, but he didn't seem pleased to meet him, especially not when his arm was still comfortably draped over your shoulder.

"Hey, Aaron. This is Nathan." You gave him a warning look, telling him to be nice with your looks. He ignored you and stared at Nathan as if he was an unsub with a gun pointed at your temple. You felt Nathan cringe beside you, and he took his arm off your shoulder.

"Hello," Aaron said like he was greeting a local sheriff when on a case rather than greeting your girlfriends friend.

"Hey you must be the boyfriend!" Nathan grinned a little nervously, but he seemed like his usual self, "Y/n's told me loads about you."

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