Spencer Reid- Shut Me Up

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What do we call it? When am I calling you?

I'm scared that falling just feels like falling through

But this connection is worth the worrying

So I'm just checking, should I go all in?

Spencer had been acting differently around you. You didn't understand what his deal was but he'd avoid eye contact with you, he spoke to you as little as possible, and when he did talk to you he'd constantly stutter and trip over his words. You wondered if you did anything to upset him but you couldn't think of anything you would have done.

You and Spencer were close friends so it was weird that he'd be doing this all of the sudden. When you asked Morgan about it he just commented that the guy was obviously hung over you, that wasn't any help. So you decided to ask Emily and JJ about it. Spencer hadn't come into work yet so now was your perfect opportunity.

'Cause I, I'm overthinking

I, so help me out

"Hey guys, do you know why Reid's been acting weird around me? I thought maybe it was just me overthinking it at first but something definitely seems up."

"Well you should be asking him this," Emily said, "although I could make a pretty good guess as to why he's doing it..." she gave you a small smirk.

You blushed a little, "just because I have feelings for him doesn't mean he has feelings for me," you told her.

JJ shrugged, "well that's why you have to ask him yourself."

"Yeah, I just wondered if he told any of you," you shrugged as well.

Morgan walked over to us and whispered, "hey ladies, Reid's coming. You can stop gossiping now," he smirked a little when you shoved him playfully.

"Who's gossiping?" There he was, Spencer Reid, holding a cup of coffee in his right hand.

"Nothing, hey Spence can we talk later today? After work?" You asked. He nodded awkwardly and failed to meet your gaze, you didn't know if you were imagining it or not but his cheeks seemed to turn a light shade of pink.

Just kiss my lips and shut me up

Just pull me in, it's obvious

I need some therapy

'Cause knowing me, I think too much

Jumpstart my heart and make it stay

I'm running out of ways to say

I'm sick of overthinking

Kiss my lips and shut me up

Spencer avoided you again today, but that was okay, you'd know what was going on later today.

At the end of the day Spencer made his way to your desk, "I'm uh- ready to talk now if you are," he looked flustered and his hair was slightly messy, as if he had been running his fingers through it. Without thinking you moved those curls around to undo the messiness of it. His cheeks reddened and so did yours.

"Right, let's go outside." You mumbled awkwardly.

Spencer followed you outside and turned around to face you. "Right so, what's up?" He asked nervously.

"I think you know," you said, "why've you been avoiding me lately? You're acting different...strange even."

Spencer's face was a dark shade of red, "yeah I um- I should tell you," he closed his eyes and opened them again, nervously shoving his hands in his pockets. "I just don't know how to say it."

"Say what?" You raised your eyebrow at him.

Maybe you love me, but maybe not enough

Maybe you need me, or maybe I'm too much

I'm overcomplicated, I can't explain it, I tell myself that

You might not feel the same and that's killing me, so spell it out

He started to ramble, so quickly that you didn't even understand the words he was saying, only bits of it like "love me" and "killing me" and "too much"

"Woah woah Spence slow down, I couldn't catch any of that."

'Cause I, I'm overthinking

I, so help me out

"I just-..." again, he started to ramble and speak fast, but you could at least hear him properly this time.

"You make me feel so- when I'm with you- I'm just scared you won't-.." he groaned in frustration, running a hand through his hair and tugging at the ends of it.

You touched his elbow and pulled his hand away from his hair, "hey Spence relax, just tell me." You knew what he was trying to say, somehow you just knew. And you thought he could tell that you knew because of what he said next.

Just kiss my lips and shut me up

Just pull me in, it's obvious

I need some therapy

'Cause knowing me, I think too much

Jumpstart my heart and make it stay

I'm running out of ways to say

I'm sick of overthinking

Kiss my lips and shut me up

Shut me up

Kiss my lips and shut me up

"I can't think of how to say anything I'm feeling, so please please just kiss me, shut me up please because I'm overthinking things and I don't know how to tell you anything and I ju-"

You cut him off by doing the thing he asked you to do. You pressed your lips to his, melting into him. His hands moved out of his pockets to cup your cheeks, and your hands moved to his shoulders. His lips were soft and warm, just like him. You could have stayed like this forever, but there was the aspect of needing air. He pulled away first but his face hovered over yours for a few seconds.

"I hope you got all that because I really suck at talking about how I'm feeling," he chuckled.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure I got it," you chuckled as well, feeling giddy, and you could tell in his eyes that Spencer was feeling the exact same way.

"Do you maybe wanna go grab some coffee?" He asked hopefully.

"Mm you've had like 4 cups today, but sure. I'd love to."

Spencer pulled you in for another brief kiss, you smiled against his lips and kissed him back, but you made the kiss last longer than he intended. Right now you both didn't need any spoken words, you were communicating through kisses.

Pull me in, pull me in

I'm overthinking

Yeah, yeah

So kiss my lips and shut me up

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