David Rossi- Books and Old Flames

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He was coming back, better yet, he was coming back while you were here. David Rossi was coming out of retirement and he was going to be working with you at the BAU. You couldn't even begin to explain how much that would complicate things...because Rossi was once your boyfriend.

Boyfriend never seemed like the right word though, in fact you almost became wife number four before Rossi decided to end things. He was never really clear as to why he ended it between you two. He loved you. He loved you so much. Your best guess was that he was scared to marry you because of what happened the last three times, but it seemed like a lame reason. Anyways, it's been years since you've even seen the man, and now all of the sudden it's announced that he's going to be working with you? What are you supposed to do with that?

The two of you actually met at a bookstore where he was talking about one of his books. He signed books at the end and you had brought one of your favorite books of his for him to sign.

When it was your turn you talked about how you were a profiler at the BAU. That of course interested him and after his signings you and him walked around and talked about all sorts of crime related things. He even asked about Hotch. You two hit it off well and started dating pretty quickly.

You tried not to think about those times, and David for that matter, but you really missed him.

It was like fate when you heard that he was on a book tour and that he was visiting a bookstore a few hours from home. So you bought the same book he had signed years ago, why not re create everything if you were going to see him again. You set the book in your car and drove to the bookstore, not really thinking about how this was going to end up.

You sat in the far back so you didn't draw attention to yourself just yet. You listened to him talk, and it was like your heart reopened  to all those old wounds that you pushed back until it was just a painful memory. Instead of thinking about that you focused on him instead. On the familiar draw of his voice and the color of his dark eyes. You were half tempted to jump up and run to him, but that would cause a scene. Plus you didn't know how David would react to that.

So you waited, you sat and listened to him and when the time came for him to sign any books that anyone wanted signed, you waited in line. You made sure you were the very last person so you didn't hold anyone else up, plus you didn't want anyone overhearing anything.

Finally it was your turn. Poor David looked like he wanted to be done with the whole ordeal. He took the book and signed it without even glancing up at you. When he was done he did look up, and his reaction was priceless. His mouth actually fell slightly open and his eyes widened. He swallowed hard before turning his attention on the book he had just signed.

"Really? Did you really go out and buy another one of these. Look at this it hasn't even been opened," he looked back up at you with an amused look in his eyes as he proved his point by opening the stiff cover and then closing it again. You couldn't help but smile shyly at him, you missed his sarcasm.

"What? Can you blame a girl for being desperate? How else was I supposed to get the famous David Rossi's attention?"

"Uhh by phone call, or text." Then he shook his head slightly, chuckling to himself before becoming serious. He stood up, "why are you here y/n?"

"Because I heard you were going to be working with me."

"Ah yeah," he looked uncomfortable.

You sighed slightly, "I guess I better get going.."

He looked confused, "going already? I know you didn't come here just to hear me talk about stuff you've already heard about a million times, or for me to sign a book you already have signed."

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