Aaron Hotchner- Secrets and Hickeys

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Nobody knew about your secret relationship with your boss, that was the whole point. You both just felt like it would complicate things, and you knew for a fact that Strauss would have a few words to say about it if she found out.

You knew that eventually you'd have to tell them, but you had only started dating Aaron for a few months now, nothing was definite, though you were definite that you were crazy about him.

It was just so...odd to see him act like a totally different person outside of work. You loved seeing his lips turn up into a smile, or the light and casual way he'd talk about things when it wasn't work related. Not that you didn't love his stern, takes no shit guy he was at work either, you loved that side of him, but you equally loved the new, softer side.

There was also a third side to him, a more... possessive side, saved for those more intimate times, which happened more frequently due to the level of stress he was facing at work.

So it really wasn't that big of a surprise to see a dark hickey on your neck one morning after he spent the night with you. The only problem was work, how would you cover this at work?

Aaron just seemed more amused than worried, "it's not that bad," he commented, watching you pace back and fourth in the bedroom while he was propped up on his elbow in bed.

You sat down in bed and pointed to the hickey, "this isn't bad?? Let's see what our team says when they see."

"Wear a scarf."

"Yeah I'm going to have to but that will be equally suspicious considering it's the dead of summer," you stated, before adding, "this really should be your problem, it's not my fault you're an animal." You hissed.

He cupped your cheeks, leaning in slowly, "Grr." He pecked your lips softly and pulled away with a small smirk.

You shoved his shoulder, "oh shut up."

"I should get going, so that you aren't late. I wouldn't want to call you into my office now would I?" He murmured, trailing his hand up your thigh in a suggestive manner.

You shook your head, not in the mood for teasing, "goodbye, Hotch."

"Mmm Hotch? I must be in trouble," he stood up, getting a suit from your closet. You
Insisted that he bring some of his clothes to your place so he could spend work nights with you. He leaned down and kissed your cheek before finding his way out of your place while you dealt with the hickey situation.


"Nice scarf?" Rossi raised his eyebrow when he saw you.

Your cheeks were painted a light pink, "what's so unique about wearing a scarf hm? It's a woman thing."

"I was married to three, I think I'd know a little something," he responded.

"I thought you didn't even like scarves? You never wore them. Not even during the winter," Reid chimed in.

"I think she's hiding something," Morgan teased.

"Y/n?" Emily asked, a small smirk on her lips.

You blushed darker, "you guys are insane, it's a scarf! Stop being a bunch of profilers!"

Morgan slowly approached you, "we may be...orrr you're hiding something." He slid the scarf off your neck in one swift movement. Maybe you shouldn't have made it so loose, but Reid was right, you didn't like scarves too much.

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