Aaron Hotchner- Teacher

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Requested by ilovephilosophy

The dreadful gun qualification test was coming up, and you didn't pass it the first time. Thankfully your boyfriend just so happened to be your boss, so you had someone to help you practice. Plus, he was an absolute pro with a gun.

The only problem was that you just weren't good at it. You sighed heavily when you missed yet another target.

Turning the gun on safety and setting it down, you turned your head towards Aaron and frowned.

"I can't do it, Aaron," you whined.

He sneaked his arms around your waist and gave it a gentle squeeze, "sure you can, sweetheart. It just takes practice."

"Easy for you to say," you huffed.

He raised his eyebrow.

"You're just too good at everything," you pouted, jutting your bottom lip out.

He craned his head and kissed your bottom lip softly. "I am not good at everything."

"Don't be modest."

"I'm not," he snickered slightly, pressing a kiss to your temple as you grabbed your gun.

"Now aim at your target."

"Don't you think I know that?" You huffed, briefly wishing that he was the target.

"Well go ahead then, darling."

Rolling your eyes, you aimed for the target and shot, but you missed by a long shot. You didn't need to turn around to know that Aaron was holding in a chuckle, you could feel it as his body was pressed against your back.

"You did...good," he murmured gently, pulling your hair aside so he could kiss your neck.

"Shut up, Aaron."

"It's simple, really."

His hands traveled up your arms, and you began to lose focus as goosebumps were left on your arms from his soft touch. His hands came to rest overtop yours, completely covering them, all except your pointer finger, still touching the trigger.

He moved your hands up slightly, and then a little over to your left while his head was craned so close to yours, his cheek brushing over yours at even the slightest movement.

It was a good thing Aaron was holding your hands steady, otherwise you would have dropped the gun.

"Focus on your target, but don't overthink it," he whispered.

You didn't dare move your hands, knowing full well that Aaron had the gun aimed perfectly at the red dot. Instead you memorized the spot in hopes that you would be able to get it right next time without his help.

"Now fire," his voice may have been soft, but you heard the order in it. You liked that about him. It was easier to follow someone who was sure of himself when he gave an order.

Pushing all thoughts from your mind, you pressed down on the trigger and watched the bullet hit smack dab in the center of the target.

"See? You can do it."

"See what? You were holding my hands. You did all the work," you huffed.

He pressed a kiss to your temple and then let go of your hands. "Fine, no hands."

You tried not to smile as you positioned your gun where you thought it was last time. You looked up at Aaron, and he gave you an approving nod in return. You pressed down on the trigger and hit the center almost as perfectly as last time.

Grinning, you set the gun down and turned to face Arron, hooking your arms around his shoulders. He wrapped his around your waist and pulled you in for a quick kiss.

"I told you you could do it."

"Thank you for helping me."

"You know I'll always help you."


The first thing you did after passing your gun qualification test was to go into Aaron's office to tell him the news. He looked up from his paperwork when you bursted in.

"Did you pass?" He asked, although from the look on your face you were sure he already knew the answer.

You nodded joyfully, watching as a slow smile spread across his face. You moved to sit on his lap and wrapped your arm around his shoulder. He set down his pen and held you close.

"I knew you would pass," he murmured before pressing a kiss to your cheek.

"Oh don't say that. You were just strongly hoping that you wouldn't have to spend hours trying to teach me. Again."

"Nonsense. I enjoy being with you no matter what we do," he kissed your cheek, "even if you were a hopeless case. Which you weren't."

You played with a strand of Aaron's hair and then let your finger trail down his cheek, a small satisfied smile on your lips as he leaned his head towards you.

"That's because I had the best teacher."

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