Ranger's POV (2)

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"Ranger, you work to hard, lets go and let loose, lets go and find some omegas to play with" "and a nomad party will for fill that?" Cash was trying to persuade me to go to a nomad party.

I have so much already on my plate, I had just become the top Alpha of the Blood Moon Night pack, my father pasted away a few weeks ago and I’ve got lots to do, the Blood Moon Night is one of the largest packs in the world, let a loan the US.

"Yes, it will cheer me up incredibly", "Cash, I don’t have the time" "I’m not going to take no for an answer, make sure your ass is ready by 10" my Lycan growled deeply 'can I bite him?' Maddox growled again, 'no, sorry, not this time, we should let our hair down once in a While" I said trying to convince him and myself.

It was coming up to 10, I was trying to finish up my meeting with General Saxon, we have been having some trouble with the Frost Sun pack, their numbers have risen exponentially over the last few year, there not at the level of our pack but its getting worrying, "talks with alpha Tex has all broken down".

BANG, the door burst open "come on Ranger, it's time to go" "Cash, can you not see that I’m busy" "continue it tomorrow" "Tom, mind your tongue, you are talking to the alpha" Tom is Cash's real name but his Lycan is called Cash, he liked it better than his own, everyone calls him Cash apart from General Saxon, Cash's oldest brother "Shut it, Ranger has been working really since alpha Ray died, if he carries on, he will put himself in an early grave, you never know, he might find his mate" "mate? Are there going to be omegas there? You must go, if there’s any chance that your mate will be there, then go, I will leave you now, I will catch up with you tomorrow" General Saxon quickly got up from his chair and left the room, Cash's brother is obsessed with finding me my mate, "Cash, you neglected to tell him that its a nomad party" "he doesn't need to know that little nugget of information, now move your ass and get in the car" 'can I bite him now?' 'No'.

"What the hell is this place? Why is there so many different scents here and why are they so strong?" I said holding my nose, Maddox wasn't happy either, whining with the smell, "come on, lets go find some omegas to play with" I just nodded and followed him into the house, it's been a while since I last got laid, I think it was before my father died.

The house was packed full of people, I could hear them say 'wow look at him' 'his mine' 'that’s Ranger Blackstone, his the top alpha from Blood Moon Night pack' I just ignored them, "she's not here, I’m going" "just give it some time, smell the air, she might be" I sniffed in the air, all the pheromones in the air hurt my nose, 'wait, what was that?' Maddox said as he tried to take control of me 'Maddox, no not here' 'I smell her, go up' 'up? What? I don’t smell anything' 'UP' Maddox roared.

I abandoned Cash talking to some omega who was giggling at every word he said, "hey, where you going?" But I just ignored him as I run up the two flights of stairs.

Her scent was getting stronger the higher I got, I stopped myself just inside the door, 'what are you doing? Go get her, she’s just out there' Maddox shouted in my head 'there’s a lot of other alphas out there' 'so, she’s ours'.

I casually walked out the door, staying in the shadows as someone was saying that he would bet $1000 they couldn't put her into heat, but the funny thing is, she was in heat, the last day I would say, couldn't anyone smell it? 'Release your pheromones, just enough for her to smell it' Maddox pleaded, my whole body was vibrating with excitement in finding her, 'I don’t know if I can' 'don’t be such a pussy, I said just a tiny amount, just enough to grab her attention', it took all my power not to let them all out and bite her here and now, she was my fated partner, couldn't she feel it to? I let out 1% of my pheromone’s, it caught her attention for a split second, she turned her head in my direction before turning back away and hurling a slur of bad words do the person that made the bet.

'You saw that right? She looked over at us' Maddox said bouncing around in my head, I couldn't help but smile, I’ve finally found her and she going to be mine, 'what do I do now?' I asked Maddox, I know what he wants to say, go over and get her, she’s ours 'wait until there’s less alphas around, we cannot fight them all at once' that surprise me, I went back inside, I tried to drown her scent out, not completely, I still needed to know where she was.

It must be nearly 1am before I went back out on the terrace, Cash had hooked up with three omega’s, I would love his stamina, he has the stamina of 10 Lycan's.

She was still there but this time she was asleep, curled up on the couch, my breathing got heavier, shit, her being on heat just a tiny bit is putting me over the edge.

I walked up to her and let out my pheromones just to wake her up but she didn’t wake, I stood there for a few minuets before I couldn't take it any more, I got on top of her, I rolled her on to her front, she then started to wake up when I moved her, she freaked out when she couldn't move, I had her pinned down, she tried to wriggle out but she wasn’t going anywhere, "stop, get off me" she screamed, "you are my fated partner, can you not feel it?" I said as calmly as I could, Maddox was running laps in my head, it was hard to think with him like this, "no, get off me" she got a hand free and covered the back of her neck, 'why is she being like this?' Maddox whined, 'I don’t know'.

A few people came running thro the door while she was screaming under me "what are you doing? Get off her" an alpha shouted as he and a beta charged towards me "LEAVE ME ALONE" I shouted back and let out 100% of my top alpha pheromones out, everyone stopped in there tracks and couldn’t help but drop down to there knees and whimper, the girl under me started crying, "Aria, I’m sorry, I can't help you" "Tanna, please help" she cried.

Tanna tried to crawl to her but couldn't get more then a few steps, I easily moved her hand from her neck, "she’s mine" I roared and bit down hard on her neck, hard enough, I could taste her blood in my mouth, with this bite, this makes her mine now and forever.

Aria's body went limp under me, this normally happens when a top alpha takes an omega mate, she will wake in a few hours.

I got off the couch and scooped her up, she’s my mate now, so she’s mine, "please don’t take her" Tanna said holding on to my jacket, my pheromones must be wearing off, "she’s mine now" "how could do something like this, she’s unscented, she’s never been in heat and she’s never shifted" "unscented? I smelt her from down stairs and for her heat, she’s currently in the last stages of her heat cycle".

I took a sniff of her head, it filled my nose with her scent, she smelt like freshly picked strawberries, I started to walk off, making Tanna let go, "wait, please, where are you taking her? I need to know that she will be safe" "I am alpha Ranger Blackstone, leader of the Blood Moon Night pack, she will be safe" then I left.

I kicked in the door to the room that Cash and his play things were in, "Cash put your dick back in your pants, we are leaving now" "no, we haven't finished with him yet" one on them whined, I just looked at her in disgust, she shut her mouth and looked away, "I said now".

I Stood at the car, Aria still passed out, "Ranger, who’s the girl? She has your scent all over her, hang on she smells of nothing, that's strange" Cash said as he moved closer, I moved away, "she’s my fated mate" Cash looked at me, shocked, "well the day has finally come, I will get a feast arranged, General Saxon is going to be beside himself with happiness, with the news" "what, that I found her at a nomad party? Does she belong to a pack or not?" "I bet your glad that I dragged you to this party?" "Just open the door".

Cash wasn’t wrong, Maddox and I were so happy that we finally found her, I sat in the back seat, just stroking her face, I honestly thought I would never find her, I was coming to the age where I needed to find a mate and start having some pups of my own.

When we got back to the pack house, I took her straight up to my room, I lay her down in my bed and just sat there, waiting for her to wake.

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