Aria's POV (35)

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I'm so uncomfortable, I can’t sit down, I can’t lay down, the only place I feel comfortable is on the swing on the front porch but Ranger said that I'm not allowed to sit on it at the moment as it's not safe, one of the stings that holds it up is snapping, he said he is going to swap the string for chains but he’s been so busy at the moment with all the preparations for the pups.

I couldn't sit still, I wanted to walk around but I also didn't want to walk anywhere, I just wanted to sit down, I also have been in a foul mood this past week, no one is safe from my mood, not even Ranger, I shouted at him yesterday over a drink of mine that he just took a sip of.

Walking across the field as I watched some of the older pups play football, that put a smile on my face, that will be my pups in a few years, I was overwhelmed with emotions and I started crying, one of the little girls that was sat watching them play noticed me and came running over to me, "are you ok?" "Yes, I'm fine" I said patting her head, "wow, you have a very big belly" I laughed, she was mesmerized at it, "have you never seen a pregnant Lycan before?" She shook her head no, "would you like to touch it? These pups are very special, there is three in there" "three pups?" "Yep, give me your hand, one of them is moving around" she put her hand in mine and I put it on my stomach where one was moving, "Wow, it's moving" she said amazed.

I sucked in a sharp breath through my teeth, I think it scared the little girl, "are you ok?" "Yeah, can you do me a favour? Can you run and get Ranger?" "Mr. Ranger is too scary" "please little lady, please can you just tell him that I said its time, he will know what it means", "ok" then she went off running, 'Midnight, it’s started' 'don’t panic, there’s no need to panic' 'you’re the one that’s panicking'.

"You ok there, lady?" One of the older boys shouted over to me, I hunched over holding my stomach, "can you boys go and help the little girl and go find Ranger for me, tell him it urgent", they all ran off looking for him but the older boy stayed and helped me walk, "are the pups coming?" He asked, "I think so, please don’t have them yet, I'm not old enough to see that" I let out a laugh, big mistake, I cried out in pain, "ARIA" I heard Ranger shout, he was running towards me with all the kids running behind him.

He got to me so fast, "Aria, are they coming?" "Yeah, I think so, it hurts so much" "Hillson, help me get her to the house, there are no cars around today, Lucky here’s my phone, call Dr Anderson tell him to get here A.S.A.P, then call Cash, he just left in the last car to run a quick errand" I could tell he was scared but he put a brave face on and took Rangers phone.

Dr Anderson arrived first as he was already on the way here to check up on me, he comes every other day as I'm over my over due date, "Aria, I need to examine you" "ok" "but first, can everyone leave the room" "not Ranger" I said panicked, I need him, "just the kids, they can wait outside" "out, Lucky, you still have my phone, call Mitch and tell him that its started and to get here as fast as possible", the kid nodded and left the room.

The pain was so bad, I know that having pups wasn’t going to be easy but I didn’t expect this, I screamed so loud, I bet the whole pack could hear me.

I gave birth to the first pup and the pain stopped for just a few minuets, I know that it a baby that I give birth to but 1% of me expected it to be a puppy as we call them pups, not babies.

"Its a boy" the Doctor said, "you hear that Aria? It’s a boy" Ranger said as he kissed me, "Ranger, I need you to hold the pup while I deliver the next one" he didn’t know what to do, the doctor wrapped the pup up and handed him to Ranger, Ranger froze on the spot, "is this the first time you have held a pup?" "I have but never this young" his eyes were transfixed on the pup, "well you have two more on the way, Aria have the contractions started again?" "Yeah, they are coming".

"It’s another boy" the doctor said as he wrapped the second boy and putting him in Ranger's other arm, he would look at one pup to the other then back, this time I didn’t get a little break between pups, the last one wanted out.

"Congratulations three boy's" the doctor put the third pup in my arms, "Dr Anderson please take him, I feel like I'm going to pass..." I didn’t finish my sentence before I was gone.

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