Ranger's POV (13)

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'You heard what she said? She wants to live with her brothers, do you think she wants to leave us?' Maddox said concerned, 'I think she does, we know she doesn't love us, so it shouldn't really surprise us if she wants to leave' 'I don't want her to leave' 'I don't either but what can we do? Hold her against her will, she will hate us more than she already does, we are the only ones that fell the fate pairing' 'so does Midnight' Maddox added, 'you have met her once' 'that's because Aria won't let her out, if she did them we can be together' 'enough no more, I'm shifting back, please be careful, she is asleep beside us' 'I will'.

Maddox slowly got out the bed before shifting, I got dressed, the pain I was in, I knew I shouldn't have shifted so soon, I had to redress some of the bandages, what I really wanted was to get in bed with her, but I needed to go and meet with the pack and talk with her brothers.

I walk into my office and Cash sat at my desk, Aria's brothers sat opposite him, he had his head in his hands, strange, "what's going on?" "Ranger!" Cash jumped up out my chair "Ranger, just the one we want to see" "can't it wait, he's still recovering" Cash said interrupting Mitch "what is it?" "We want to formally ask your you to reject Aria, so she can come with us, I've been informed that she doesn't feel the fated bond between you, it will be easy for you to reject it" "but what about his bond? She might not feel it, but he does" Cash said, "so Aria has to go through the rest of her life miserable because he feels something that she doesn't", I turned and walked out the office door, I didn't stop there, I walked straight out the pack house and into the forest.

'Please don't reject her' 'I don't want to force her to stay here, I want her to be happy' 'but what about us? If she goes, we won't be happy' 'Maddox answer me honestly, do you think she will ever love us enough to give us a pup?' He didn't answer me, 'that's what I thought'.

It was dark out before I went back to the pack house, it must be late as most of the light's in the house was out, I walked straight up to my room, Aria was still fast asleep on my bed, I stood there watching her sleep for a little bit like a creep.

I sat on the bed, breathing in her scent, 'please don't do this' 'I'm sorry Maddox, I have to let her go with them'.

I kissing her neck, kissing a trail down to her shoulder, "what are you doing?" She grumbled was she woke up, pushing me away, "Aria, would you like to go with your brother's to start there new pack?" Her eyes widened, I knew the answer then and there, "make love me one last time, make me believe that you love me and I will let you go" she hesitated at first, then she kissed me, putting her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her.

I 100% believed that she loved me, there were so much touching, kissing, she fully immersed herself in her task, that told me, without words that she wants to go with them and not stay with me, she did all this for them, not me.

I left the room, leaving her in bed, after what we just did, I'm not surprised she's tired.

The light was creeping through my office window when Cash entered, "oh Ranger, your here, you should be resting" "Cash, go and wake Aria and her brothers, if they want to take her, they need to take her right now or I will never let her go" 'what?' "What?" Cash and Maddox said in unison, "I can't do it anymore, I know she's miserable here, I just want her to be happy, if that means her leaving me, then so be it" "what about your happiness?" "Please go and tell them" "ok".

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