Aria's POV (67)

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"Come on Aria, we have to go" Mitch shouted as he and Willow walked towards the car park, "please, just wait one more minute" I pleaded "he will show, I know he will" "if we wait any longer you will be late for your appointment" he barked back, "we will meet you in the car you have five minutes" Willow said, "but" "shut up and just walk" Willow said as she pushed him to make him start walking.

I waited my five minutes and one more, just to be sure, but Ranger was a no-show, I put my hand on my belly and said "Daddy mustn't love me enough to come, sorry".

In the car I couldn't help but cry, I really thought he would have come, Jasmine must have got her Claws in him deep.

Mitch kept trying to talk to me but I just gave one word answers, I was heartbroken that Ranger didn't show up, Mitch pulled up outside the front door "you two go in first, I will go and find the parking spot" I just got out the car and followed Willow.

"Aria is she here yet?" "Ranger" he turned and rushed over to me and hugged me all the stress drained away I cried harder.

"What do you mean I can't go in? Aria said I could" "but look" I could hear Mitch and Willow talking behind me, "well, he is too late, I'm going in".

With a lot of persuading, the doctor let us all in, I got up on the bed, still holding Ranger's hand, I thought if I let go, he would disappear, the doctor lifted up my top and put the cold jelly on, "are we all ready?" He said putting the scanner on my belly, the image popped up on the screen, all their eyes were fixed on the screen, apart from me, I couldn't stop looking at Ranger.

"Ok, so, the pup should be around here, oh" "oh, what do you mean oh?" Mitch said angrily, Ranger just squeezed my hand, "one, two and three" "are there really three pups?" Mitch asked "yep, one, two, three" the Doctor repeated himself, I still haven't looked at the screen "Ranger, are they're really three pups?" his face was one of shock, so I could tell it was true.

"Yeah Aria, there are three pups, how far is she?" He asked the doctor "by the looks of the size, I would say at least five to six weeks".

I finally turned my head to see the screen and I could clearly see the three little dots where the pups are, "Ranger what are we going to do with three more pups? The three pups we already have a little terrors" "I honestly don't know, Cash is going to be beside himself with happiness, we better start thinking of some more names" Ranger laughed.

The car ride back to the Shadow Moon pack house was silent, I'm having triplets again, that's six pups into litters, I don't know if I'm lucky or not, triplets are very rare and this is my second lot.

Mitch told Ranger and I to go to the office and he will gather everyone in there.

I was sat on a chair and Ranger was crouched in front of me with his hands on my stomach "I don't know how we will cope, but I know that we will take it in our stride, I know things have been bad between us and it is all my fault, I know that, I will try and fix that in any way possible" "where is Jasmine and Sam?" "In our prison, I hope, she manipulated my emotions, just like you and Cash said but I soon broke out with the help of Maddox, when she said I marked her, I could feel inside that I would never do that to you, yeah we have our little arguments but we have always made up at the end" "I missed you so much, when you called yesterday, I thought you had come to your senses, then you stop talking and I could hear Jasmine and what I thought was you kissing her, she kept giggling for you to stop, but I knew it wasn't you in the end, how do I say this, you're not as delicate as it sounded like" Ranger had a wicked smile on his face.

"I hope you can forgive me for what I have done" I pulled his hair a little and said "don't do it again" "never" he replied as he kissed me.

When Mitch Returned, he also brought back, Dixson, Cora, Malcolm, Morgan, Curtis, Tegan, Lucy, Grover, and our pups, they were the happiest to see their dad, Willow stayed upstairs with Harland and Chase as they were napping.

"So, we are all here to here the news at the same time, Aria, you may tell them" "yeah, so, I'm with pup, well three actually, I'm having triplets again, I'm about five to six weeks gone", everyone was so happy and they wanted to hug me all at the same time.

Ranger was eager to get home, he wanted to share the news with our pack, we drove home because of the pups, we should get home for dinner.

Ranger held my hands the whole way home, he only let go if one of the pups got fussy but he held it again when I was finished.

We arrived home just before dinner was finished, Cash was the only one that knew we were on our way back, he was stood outside waiting, he helped get the pups out of the car, he gave me a hug before getting Caspian out of the car, "happy to see you home" "glad to be home" "Cash do you want to know first?" Ranger asked as he handed me Soloman, "yes, no, yes, no, tell me at the same time as the others" "are you sure?" "Yeah, tell me now" I laughed with Cash's indecision, "well Aria is with pups" "I already know she's with... Wait, pups, as in plural?" "Yeah, it's triplets again" Cash was two shocked to speak at first, he just looked back and forth from me to Ranger.

"Three, three, three" Cash kept repeating himself as he walks past us towards the pack house, "I think we broke him" Ranger laughed as he took my freehand and we walked into the pack house, ready to tell everyone the news.

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