Ranger's POV (17)

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Someone knocking on my bedroom door woke me up, I gently got out of bed so not to wake Aria, I throw the door open "what?" I said making Cash jump, "sorry to disturb you with all the sexy time you both have been having, but.... Aria's brothers are here to take her home" "well that’s not going to happen" I said walking past him, "Ranger wait, clothes sounds like a good idea, you don’t want to go in there flaunting the dick that you use to plough there sister" "oh right, I will meet you down in my office".

I got dressed, debating on waking Aria up so she can tell them also that she's not leaving.

I found Cash waiting me outside my office "how are they?" "Dixson looks fine but Mitch looks pissed off big time" "great, he’s going to be even worse when I tell him she not leaving and that we are now trying for a pup" "what? No way, congratulations" "save all that for later".

We walked into the room, Dixson got up of his chair and greeted us with a hand shake, Mitch didn't get up from his chair at first, not until Dixson hit him and told him to stand, I suppose all us top alphas are the same stubborn people, not wanting to make the first move, I sat down behind my desk that’s covered in paperwork that I’ve neglected for the past few weeks, "how may I help you gents?" "Give us Aria back" Mitch demanded, "she came back on her own free will" "you forced her to return here by telling her you were dying, your clearly not" “I was suffering from pheromone deficiency" "that was your own fault for not rejecting her" Mitch interrupted.

"Mitch, mind your tongue when you talk to me, who funded your new pack? Who found you your land to settle on" "she is our sister and I want her back" he demanded "and she is my fated mate, she's not leaving here, this is her forever home, this is the place where we will raise our pups" "pups? Your going to forcing her to stay here and now your going to force her to have your pups, that’s dishonourable".

I banged my fists on the desk as I stood up, that was the last straw, "now you listen to me, she came back here on her all by herself, I told everybody not to tell her, but when she found out she wanted to come back, I remarked her and when she asked if I wanted to have pups with her, I will never say no to her, I will give her what ever she wants" "and what I want is to stay here with Ranger and start our family" Aria said standing at the door, I didn’t even hear it open.

“Thank god your here, these two are going to kill each other" "you should have stayed in bed" I said quickly going over to her, "Dixson mind linked with me, waking me up" I looked over at him, "we needed her to tell him herself that she will be staying here and that she will be happy here and that she's not being forced to do anything she doesn’t want to, Aria has been with us for the past two years, do you think anyone can force her to do anything?".

Aria walked over to Mitch, kneeling in front of him, "Mitch, here is where I’m meant to be" "were you not happy with us?" I could tell in his voice he was sad, “I loved being with you four idiots, but from the day I left to now, Ranger has never left my thoughts, when Cash told me, that was a sign, I had to come home, don’t think that I won’t come and visit, now that I can see you four, Mitch, you are now the top alpha of the Shadow Moon pack", he pulled her up into a hug and said, "you better name your first pup after me".

Her brothers spent the rest of the day here before leaving just before dinner, I think it was for Mitch's piece of mind to see if it was going to be a safe place for her, he only spent two days here after the fight, when I told them to leave with her, I left her to entertain them, I had a mountain of paperwork catch up on.

There was a gentle tap at the door, "come in", I was almost caught up with everything, thank god, I was getting fed up with reading, "are you coming to dinner?" Aria said coming into the room, "give me 10 minutes then I will be finished, did your brothers get off ok?" "Yeah, I was really surprised at how upset Mitch was, he never showed any sort of emotion when we were growing up" "it could be guilt creeping in on how shitty he treated you growing up" "yeah, could be".

I gestured for her to come sit on my lap, "I was thinking, do you want to have a confirmation ceremony?" "Marriage? Where did that come from? Lycan's don’t normally do that sort of thing, being bitten is like we are already married" "I don’t know, I kind of like the idea, us being bound together in every way possible" "ok, I’m in, when do you want to do it? Before or after the pup is born?" She said running her hand through my hair, "there's no pup yet, we only started last night" "I know that, but it shouldn't be to long before we have good news".

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