Dixson's POV (22)

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Aria had been rushed into theatre, I wanted to know what was happening back at the house but there was no way I was going to leave Aria here a lone, I had tried to mind link with any of my brothers but I was to far away.

I was pacing back and forth in the waiting room, there were a few other people in there waiting for other people, I just couldn't sit still, how can the other people in here be so calm? "Sir can you please sit down, your making the other people nervous with all the walking back and forth" "no I can't, my sister is in critical condition after a crazy woman stabbed her in the stomach while she is eight weeks pregnant with pups, do you think you could calm down?" "I'm sorry to hear that, would you like to take a little walk to talk?" I just nodded, I wouldn't normally go off like this with a stranger but I needed to get all this shit off my chest.

We didn't leave the hospital completely, we just when into the little courtyard where he lit up a cigarette, "so son, let out all your stress", I told him about what happened today and that I wanted Aria to come back to our pack, how scared I was about Aria's pups, that she might lose them, I even told him my worries that I won't ever find my fated mate, I was 25 already and Aria found her's at 20.

The man just listened as he smoked his cigarette, "I was meant to be at the confirmation ceremony but my youngest daughter broke her arm playing in a tree, I don't think she's a Lycan, I'm 99% sure she’s a monkey" he laughed, "wouldn't they let you go in with her to get her cast on?" "She didn't want me, she wanted her sister to go with her, it's a bit like your sister and yourself, the bond between them is so strong" "yeah but I bet she won't leave her at 18 because she had no scent" he looked at me puzzled, "don't worry, that's another story, I better go in to see if there is any news on my sister" "there you are Dad, Lucy is all fixed, the cast will need to stay on for eight weeks, oh who's your friend?".

And there she was my fated mate, my whole body felt like it was getting pulled towards her, I know I needed to go to my sister but my body didn't want to move, "Luna, this is... Oh I never did catch your name" "it's Dixson, Dixson Carter from the Shadow Moon pack" "I'm Luna Larkin from the Dark Water pack" "it's not just me that feels this right, do you feel this to?" "Feel what?" the man said, "Dad, this man is my fated partner, I can feel it" Luna said, "well now, one of your worries is no more, I better set up a meeting with your alpha" "it's my brother Mitch, I will get in touch with you straight away", the man gave me his details and I went back inside.

By the time Aria got out of theatre, Ranger, Cash and my brothers had turned up, because there were so many of us, we went into Doctor Anderson's office.

I pulled Mitch aside and said "I know this isn't the right time as our sister is fighting for her life but I've found my fated mate, I need to set up a meeting as soon as" "we will deal with this at a later time, Aria is our priority right now" "I know but do you know when you think you will be free for a meeting?" "This is not the time" he shouted, "there's nothing we can do for her yet, can you just look, please" I was desperate, "if you don't get out my fucking face right now, I will rip you to fucking shreds" "ok gents, let's take a breather, I know how you feel about finding your fated mate but Mitch is concerned about other things right now" Ranger said stepping between Mitch and I, "he wouldn't know about finding his fated mate, he won't go looking for her" the spiteful words came out of my mouth before I could top them, Ranger grabbed me by the collar and pulled me out the office.

"What the hell do you think your playing at?" "He can check when his next availability for a meeting is, he’s just jealous that I’ve found my mate before he has" Ranger grabbed me and pushed me against the wall, "Aria could die and all your bothered about is a fucking meeting?" "We cant do anything for her" that pissed him off "shut up, there may not be anything we can but we can stay together and pray, not worry about a silly fucking meeting, when you lived with us, all your attention was on her, now its shifted to your mate" "isn’t that what’s meant to happen?" "So your going to drop Aria like you did before?" "No" but deep down I think I already have, "Ranger, Aria is awake now".

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