Dixson's POV (26)

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Side story. (2)

Mitch stormed out the office, leaving Pavan and myself there, "wow your brother is very scary" "yeah, he's not always like that, I don't know what's gotten into him", the door opened and there stood Luna, my heart jumped 'still as beautiful as I remember' bear said, "is the meeting over already? I really wanted to meet your brother" Luna came and sat on my lap, "we have a new alpha in the Dark Water pack" Pavan said chuffed with himself, but at what cost? I had to leave my family to be here, will I ever see them again, Mitch told me not to go back and I told Aria I wouldn't see her again.

Now that I'm with Luna I feel happy, but deep down, I'm sad, Aria was a huge part of my life for two years and now she is with pups, three of them, she doesn't need me, she has Ranger and our other three brothers, she don't need me, "so Mitch said it was ok for you to stay? That's fantastic news, shall I show you around?" "Yeah sure" I forced a smile.

Luna took me around the land that the pack house was on, it was a quarter of the size of the Shadow Moon packs land, all the buildings look so run down, "why does every thing look like this?" I asked, "there's nothing wrong with this place, are you saying my father is doing a shit job?" "No, no, no, I would never but why are the buildings in such a bad state?" "I cant believe you are saying such horrible things" she said as she slapped me around the face and walked off.

I was stunned, I've been in many, many fights but her slapping me hurt more then all of that, 'what the fuck was that? She slapped us?' 'It was because I said not nice things about her pack' 'its now are park or did she slap you that hard you forgot'.

I chased after her, "Luna, I didn't mean it like it sounded, I'm hear to help in any way I can" I said standing in front of her so she stopped walking away from me, "you mean that? Will you really help us?" "Yeah, I'm your fated mate, I will do anything for you".

She took my hand and giggled like nothing happened, 'ask her when she's going to shift so I can meet her Lycan' "hey Luna, what's your Lycan's name and when well we meet her?" "Why are you trying to get rid of me and meet her? Do you like me?" "What? Its not that, Bear was curious" "I cant believe you don't love me" she said pulling her hand out of mine, "I never said that, I do love you, I want to know everything there is to know about you, your Lycan is apart of you" "we don't talk about our Lycan's in this pack, we definitely do not talk about them in public" "oh ok, I'm sorry, this is my first day here, I do not know about the rules".

We went to her room, where there were two separate beds, Luna was so happy to show me 'our' room, "this bed is yours, I didn't know what your favourite colour was so I chose yellow" she said as she sat on my bed "its dark blue, what's..." "I don't like that colour, your new favourite colour is now yellow" she interrupted, "it doesn't work like that, its my favourite colour, you cant tell what my favourite colour is", she started crying, 'what did you do?' Bear whispered, why he whispered I don't know, 'nothing' "Luna, why are you crying?" I said as knelt down in front of her.

She pushed me away from her with so much force I hit my head on her bed frame, "ouch, why did you do that?" "You hate me that much you wont like the same things I like" "stop saying that I hate you, I will never hate you, its ok for us to have different things we like, that no way means I do not love you, we are fated mates" "you haven't bitten me yet, so you must hate me" "I haven't had a chance to, I've only been here a few hours", 'yeah and in them few hours, she has slapped us, pushed us so hard we hit our head and has told us we do not love her like 50x' 'quiet'.

I stood up pulling her up to her feet, I lifted up her chin so she was looking at me, "would you like me to mark you now?" I said in my low sexy voice, "no way, can't you hear the dinner bell going off" she pushed passed me leaving me in the room alone.

It took me a while to find the dinning hall as it wasn't in the pack house, it was in the forest for some reason, "where have you been? I didn't want to wait for you so I started my dinner" the two girls laughed that were sat next to her, "you just ran out the room and left me there" I said annoyed, "then you should have followed me, just sit down" "I need to get my food first" "just eat that" she said pushing her plate over to me, there was just scraps on it, "I'm not eating that" "why? Isn't our food good enough for you? Was you spoiled in your last pack?" She laughed "no but I had food to eat, not just your leftovers" "I told you, he is so ungrateful to what we have given him, I don't think you should have dinner today, just go back to our room" "what? No, I'm hungry" "I will tell you when your hungry, now go back to your room" she shouted, it was so embarrassing, everyone was looking over at me, I stormed out the dining hall and returned to my room.

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