Dixson's POV (61)

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Side story. (14)

Days or even weeks have passed, I don't really know, I haven't shifted back to human form since leaving Aria's pack house, 'is today the day?' I asked Bear 'no not today' he replied, Bear and I have come to an arrangement, that when he is ready, we will leave this world together.

I never really paid much attention to where Bear would run to, I didn't really care, all I asked was when it's time, take me somewhere beautiful to end it all, a waterfall, a field of flowers, a mounting at sunrise or sunset.

I only realised where we were, when I could smell Mitch's scent, 'why have you brought me here?' 'We were going to kill ourselves before, it's only fitting we do it here' that's right, Cora stopped me last time, now that she's gone, there's no one to stop me this time.

I shifted back, I was wobbly on my two legs, I found some clothes in the tree, they reeked of Mitch, it was one of his stashed clothes, I walked into the dining hall and grab a knife, at this time of night, I knew no one would be around.

I went back to sit in the same spot as before after a little bit of time the sun started to rise behind the pack house "wow, such a beautiful sight" I said as I help the knife up to my neck, the tears fell from my eyes like I had turned on a tap, "goodbye" I held the knife tight to my neck, I felt the cold blade dig in to my skin, the slight trickle of blood run down my neck.

"Dixson" my body froze, it was Cora's voice I was hearing, "I have finally gone crazy? Now I'm hearing Cora's voice as well as Luna's" I laughed to myself, "Dixson, I'm really here" then there was movement as someone stood in front of me, I gingerly looked up and it was Cora and she was holding something, she crouched down in front of me, she was covered in blood, she put her hand on mine that held the knife to my neck, "please put that down" "why? Why should? I you left me remember" I didn't move the knife, "I killed Isaac, he was going to kill our son" "so you had a pup with him? That was quick" "not with Isaac, Chase is your pup, I was with pup when I left" the knife finally lowered from my neck, Cora uncovered the bundle that was in her arms and they're was a sleeping pup.

My eyes were fixed on him "mine?" "Yeah, I'm so sorry for everything I have done, I should have stayed, I was so much happier with you and the pups, but when Isaac found me everything felt like it shifted" the pup looked just like me when I was a pup, he's scent smelled like mine.

I wanted to touch him, but in the back of my fucked up mind, I thought, if I touched him, he disappear.

Cora took the knife from my hand and replace it with the pup, he is real, I lifted him up and smelled his scent, "he is really mine" I cried, Cora just waited, while I cried, with the Chase in my arms.

All the bad thoughts and hearing Luna left my head, now it was filled with his scent, Cora move the knife away as she sat on the floor, I just cried.

When I finally stopped crying, I could see the pack house was waking up, "what's going to happen now?" "I don't think the pack will accept you back" "it's ok, please look after the three pups, I will disappear like I never came back" she gave me a sad smile.

"Cora, stay, I don't want you to leave, I will talk with Mitch to give you a second chance, like he did with me" "you are his little brother, I'm just Lycan that break his little brothers heart" "I will make him understand, if he don't, then we all can leave, we can go and get the pups from Aria's" "do you think he would take me back? Why would you do that for me? You should hate me for what I have done to you" "I love you Cora, I don't think I could love another Lycan as much as I love you, you know all that has happened to me and you still chose me to be mated with, now both of our fated partners are gone, we could finally be happy with each other", Cora was crying, I was crying, the only one that wasn't crying was the pup.

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