Aria's POV (3)

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'Hello Aria, my name is Midnight, I am your Lycan' the voice said in my head, 'my Lycan? What? I don’t have a Lycan, I’m unscented, I was told I won't have a Lycan because I won't be able to shift as I’m unscented' I replied, 'you were unscented but your fated mate has found and has marked you'.

"NO" I shouted as I sat bolt up right in bed, I looked around, where was I? I don't recognize this place, there's a man, sleeping in a chair next to the bed, 'he is your mate, he's waited all night for you to wake' Midnight gushed over the strange man, I reached up and she was right, I had been marked, did that man bite me without permission? 'he’s our mate' 'well, I will reject him' 'don’t be stupid, your an omega and he is a top alpha of a pack' 'but I don’t want this, I was happy being an unscented nomad' 'but I wasn’t, do you know how hard it was for me watching you your whole life getting treated like shit' Midnight cried 'I’m sorry, I didn’t know' 'well now you do, let's have lots and lots of pups with him' 'that’s not going to happen, I’m getting out of there' I said getting out of bed, 'no you can’t' she screamed, there was an Excruciating pain coming from my stomach.

I covered my mouth with my hands, trying to stifle all the screams that were coming out as not to wake the man up but I failed, he woke up with a start, I fell to the floor clutching my knees into me to try and stop the pain that now was ripping through my whole body, I didn’t know what was going on, I was scared, in pain and all I wanted was Tanna to help me, "Aria, why are you shifting now, here?" "TANNA" I screamed "it's going to be ok, my name is Ranger Blackstone, I am your mate, I can help you through this, don’t fight it, that’s why your in so much pain, just let her out, the pain will go away" "no, get away from me" 'please just let me out' 'no, I want to go home' 'stupid omega, this is your home now', I felt something calming come over me, it smelt so nice, then boom, my Lycan burst out of me, "wow, your pure white" Ranger said looking at me.

He was down on his knees, looking straight into my eyes, that probably means I’m not that big, how embarrassing, in the Frost Sun pack, the bigger he better.

"Your so soft" he said touching my fur, I tried to move away but I couldn’t move, I had no control over anything 'now it's my turn' she laughed, how do I take back control? I had no idea, "would you like to go for a run in the forest?" 'No' but Midnight nodded, "good follow me this way".

Midnight followed him out the house and over to the woods, tail swishing side to side, I tried to fight her the whole way but she was strong, "in this pack, we tend not to shift inside as it could be dangerous, we shift outside" Ranger said with his hand playing with my ear again, Midnight loved it, letting out a little grow of approval, I didn't approve but I did have to admit, it did feel kind of nice, now I understand why Tanna likes it when he gets me to scratch behind his ears when he's in Lycan form, "stand back a little bit, I’m going to shift now, his name is Maddox, he is really big but please don’t be scared of him" she nodded and backed up a few paces.

He started to take his clothes off, that's right, my clothes exploded off me when I shifted, shit, I’m now naked, I closed my eyes when he took his trousers off but because Midnight kept looking, I could also see even with my eyes closed, 'wow Aria, look at him, he has an amazing body and he has a huge d....' 'STOP, don’t say it'.

Ranger made shifting look so easy, one second he was human and the next he was a wolf, he wasn’t wrong, his Lycan form was huge, easy double my size and he was jet black apart from the top of his ears that were white, I had a strong urge to touch them.

'Hello my mate, I’m Maddox' he introduced himself, 'I am your mate Midnight' I tried to protest but she just ignored me, 'it's hard at first, all the voices in your head' Ranger said 'what? How can I hear you?' 'We are mated, when we are in Lycan form, we can still talk'.

Maddox and Midnight sniffed around each other, when I say around, what I really mean is every single inch of me he smelt, even my private area, 'let them do what they need to do to get close' Ranger said, 'but I don’t want this' Maddox growled at my remark, 'its ok Maddox, she’s just scared, lets go and run' Midnight said nuzzling his face, then there were off.

They ran for hours, eating what ever animal they found or killed, getting to know each other, Ranger tried a few times to talk to me but I just sat there and cried, there’s nothing that I wanted more, then for Tanna to come and save me.

I must have passed out with all the running, the next thing I remember is waking up, still in my wolf form, laying on the bed from before, Midnight yawned, making a high pitched sound, that caught the attention of Ranger, who was back in human form, "you ran so hard and fast, I was impressed" he said playing with my ears, 'make him stop' I said angry 'shush, it feels so good' 'tell me how to change back' I demanded 'will you try and run away?' 'I will go back home' 'then I won't help you' she licked his neck, "that tickles" he laughs 'stop that, you will make him like us' 'Aria, what don’t you understand, he is our fated mate, we already love him unconditionally' 'I don’t love him, I don’t feel anything between us' 'you do, you're body just doesn't know it yet, I’ve been suppressed for so long, you know nothing, I know and I can feel it, he is the one', I fell silent, I didn't know the first thing on being a proper Lycan, "sorry Midnight but I need to talk to Aria now, please can you help her shift back" she whined and shook her head no, "please, I need to have a chat with her, how about we go for a run tomorrow? Does that sound good?" 'Did you hear that, we will shift tomorrow so I can go running with Maddox, got it?' 'Fine, how do I shift back?' I wasn’t going to tell her that I will be gone before that 'Just tell me to go' 'it's just that easy?' 'Yep', I was sceptical at first, 'Midnight shift back'.

The shift back was painful, bones cracking and popping back into place, it took longer to shift back into human form.

"Hello Aria, I am your mate Ranger Blackstone" he smiled, his eyes locked onto mine, Midnight howled happily, but I didn’t feel anything, I tore my eyes away from his and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror on the wall, shit, I’m completely naked, I quickly covered myself "turn around, don’t look at me like that" "I’m sorry, you just have a very beautiful body, I will get some clothes brought up" he said turning away and leaving the room, his words were so smooth, I had to get out of here, this is my chance.

I found some of his clothes that were far to big for me and I ran, I just about remember the way out the pack house.

I got to the front door, through it open and I ran as fast as I could, I did see a car pull up outside but I just ran past them all "that’s Ranger's mate, HEY WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?" I heard one call.

The trousers were so long I kept tripping on them, I could feel people chasing me from a far, I knew I just needed to keep running as fast as I could.

Midnight was shouting in my head for me to stop and go back, she tried to take over a few times to but now I know how to keep her inside, it was easy.

I ran and ran, not knowing where I was running to, I just wanted to find Tanna to make it all better, 'why didn’t he save me yesterday?' 'You stupid omega, Ranger is your fated partner, there was nothing he could have done'.

I skidded to a stop with a huge black wolf with white tipped ears growling in front of me, bearing his sharp teeth, he was panting hard, his breath coming out of his mouth like a fire breathing dragon, 'Maddox has saved me' Midnight cried, "please let me go, I want to go home" I cried 'we are home' "no I want to see Tanna" I don’t think Maddox liked that, he let out a deep growl, scaring me, making me take a few steps back, Maddox kept shaking his head at something, then he shifted back into human form, Ranger stood in front me, naked, I quickly covered my eyes with my hands, the stolen trousers started to slide down, I quickly grabbed a hold and pulled them back up.

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