Dixson's POV (46)

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The doctor gave the pups a once over, they were totally fine, he still wanted Aria and Soloman to stay for another day or so but she was adamant that they were going home, Ranger and myself weren't going to stop her, after the day we have all had, 'she can do what she likes' Ranger said.

They got home and settled the pups in there room, I took Lucy out for some ice cream, she definitely deserves a treat.

As she was eating she seemed preoccupied, like she wasn’t to ask something but to afraid to ask, "penny for your thoughts?" She looked at me confused, "it looks like you want to ask something, what would you like to say?" I said as I moved my drink out the way, folded my arms on the table and rested my head on them so I was at her level, "ern, the big scary Lycan, he said that I can stay at the pack house, is that true? Can I really stay there with you?" "Yeah, he said you can stay, but I don’t belong to that pack, I belong to the Shadow Moon pack, with my brothers" "so you will leave me like everyone else did?" "You are with me now, you can’t get rid of me that easy, when I go back, you will go back with me, I won’t leave you here" "what about the pups, they will stay here?" “Yes, they will, this is where they belong but don’t worry, we will come back and forth all the time" " and I can come with you?" "Definitely" she smiled from ear to ear, 'she seems happy now' Bear said 'you don’t think I’m stupid for taking her in? Her family touched us' 'she was only kind on in there whole pack, you took almost all of the torcher, I was just there not being able to do anything for you, this is your decision and I will 100% back you on what ever you choose, but if it were me, I would take her in a heartbeat' 'glad we are on the same page'.

I took her to the shops to buy her some snacks and some new clothes for her room, before taking her back to the pack house to officially meet Aria.

Lucy and I were waiting in Ranger's office for Aria and him to come down, Lucy was up on my back, safe, as she puts it.

We didn’t wait to long before they come in with the three pups and Cash, I know Lucy was excited to see the pups but she stayed on my back, "little one, come here" Ranger said sitting on the edge of his desk, she just gripped on tighter, "Ranger you are to scary" Aria said hitting him on the arm and walked over to us, "is she mad at me for touching her pups?" Asked Lucy, in the Dark Water pack, it was forbidden to touch anyone else's pups unless you had permission from the parents or from the top alpha.

I moved Lucy from the my back to my front, "No, she's not mad, there is no such rule here, Lucy this is my little sister Aria, it was her pups you saved" "I would like to thank you for saving my pups, I bet you were really scared" she just nodded, "what’s your name?" Aria said moving Lucy's hair from her face, "go on tell her your name" "Lucy Larkin" Aria froze for a split second, "she knows nothing on what happened to me and I would like to keep it that way" "I will say nothing, so Lucy, you going to be staying with us?" "No, I wanna stay with Dixson" she said and buried her face in my neck, "where ever I go, Lucy will go with me, I won't leave her" "will you adopt her into your family?" Ranger said as her rocked Kassian from side to side, "it would be nice to have a niece to help with the pups from time to time" Lucy looked up at me, I hadn't thought about adoption, "would you like that, Lucy? Would you like me to be your new father?" She nodded as she bust into tears, as I did and also Aria, the three of us were a blubbering mess.

Aria officially introduced the pups to Lucy as Ranger called Doctor Anderson to come and give Lucy the once over and to check on Aria and Soloman.

Lucy had a rough few days and Ranger wants to make sure she was ok.

Doctor Anderson gave Lucy and Soloman the all clear but Aria was still unwell, he still is unsure what was wrong with them, but he promised he would get to the bottom of it.

A few days passed and Lucy was officially my daughter, its strange to think that my fated partners sister is new my daughter, her new name is Lucy Carter, I asked her if she wanted to completely change her name but she wanted to keep Lucy as that was her birth mothers name.

I told Aria that I was leaving with Lucy to go back to the Shadow Moon pack to talk to them, they know something happened here but they don’t know the full story.

We borrowed one of Ranger's cars as Lucy only being seven, she wont shift for a good few years yet so running back was out the question, I could run with her on my back, but with me still weak, since getting out of that pack, my strength hasn’t returned, I probably couldn't make it five miles with her on my back.

It took nearly a whole day to get back to the pack house, Mitch was stood at the door, waiting for me, Lucy squeezed my hand, I crouched down and she got on my back, "don’t be afraid, no one will hurt you, I will make sure of it".

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