Ranger's POV (64)

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Aria and I got to the infirmary, to the female's Lycan's room, she was asleep "Aria, I thought you said she was awake?" I asked "she was" "obviously not" "Sam, mind your tongue when you speak to her, or I rip it out" "sorry Alpha" "just call me Ranger".

The female Lycan sat bolt up on her bed and started screaming and shouted  "NO, STAY AWAY", her brother tried to calm her down, but she got out the bed and put her arms around me, holding me tight, I glanced the Aria, she wasn't happy, "Sam, get your sister off me" I said holding my arms up in the air.

I wasn't pleased that she touched me, he got her off me and got her back into bed, she was in floods of tears, her body shaking, "are you ok?" Aria asked, she looked confused, she didn't answer, "you woke up a little while ago, you told me to go get your brother" "no, I just woke up now, I haven't seen you before" "what? We just spoke" "alpha, she's lying" the female cried, "I think she needs to leave, she's scaring my sister" 'what the fuck is he saying? Aria? Scary? They have never seen her when she is angry' Maddox laughed.

"Aria stays and is my fated mate, she needs to get over it, start talking" "I'm scared, can't I just talk to you?" "Either you tell her or I tell her later, either way, she will know" I said pissed off, "how am I lying? If I'm lying then how do I know that your name is Jasmine? You know what, I will go, Ranger just tell me later, I'm going to check on the pups" "ok" she reached up and kissed me, it was a little out of character for her, she would kiss me in front of other Lycan's she knows but never in front of strangers, but I will gladly welcome it.

"Talk" I demanded "I don't know how she knew my name, but yeah, my name is Jasmine, Jasmine Penny, my brother and I were on our way to the pack when we were jumped" "why were you coming here?" "Our pack tried to force her to mate to the Alpha's brother, he was a pig of a Lycan, he loved to deflower all different kinds of Lycan's, alpha's, beater's, omega's, female, males" Sam answered "what pack was it?" "The White Sea pack" "I've never heard of it, rest, I will get some food sent up" "alpha, won't you stay with me? I'm scared" "you are safe in this pack and you have your brother, I've got pups to attend to".

Aria had already put the pups to bed and was laying in bed, reading, I snuck up the bed and popped my head between the book and her face, "so, you want to try for our fourth tonight?" I winked, "not tonight, I'm still annoyed that the new Lycan said that I was lying" "if you let me bang your brains out, then you will forget about it" "she's just has rubbed me up the wrong way" "let me rub you back the right way, don't think about her, just think of this rock hard dick, that's waiting for you".

Sam and Jasmine got this discharged from the Doctor a few days later, their wounds wasn't too bad, one shift to their Lycan form fixed them up, I originally put them in the third pack house, but Jasmine said that she suffered from nightmares and wanted to be closer to the alpha to feel more protected, I didn't want to but her crying and pleading got to me, Aria was not happy about it.

Aria and I have argued about stupid little things before but letting Sam and Jasmine into the main house, that was her breaking point, the argument was bad, real bad.

"why the fuck are they in the main house? Put them back in the third one" "I'm not going to do that, she feels safe here and keep your voice down, everyone will hear you" "good, then they can hear your prioritising them over your fated partner and the mother of your pups" she shouted louder, I quickly got to her putting my hand over her mouth but I got to her a little too quick and we felt onto the bed, "I told you to be quiet" her eyes was telling me that she wanted to kill me.

"Listen, I know it's been a stressful few days, we can have sex if you want? Sound good?" I removed my hand for her answer, but she was angry "get off me now, I'm so fucking mad right now, GET OFF ME" she shouted again, I recovered her mouth "I told you to be quiet, why don't you ever do as you are told? I'm the fucking alpha of this pack, not you, what I say, goes, what about that don't you understand?" now, I was pissed off, tears run down her face, 'what the hell are you doing? let her go' Maddox growled, I slowly took my hand away, I was ready for the screaming to happen but it didn't, her eyes seem to glaze over like they did when she first come here, please no, not again.

She spoke a few seconds after removing my hand from her mouth "you just want me to give you pups and keep my mouth shut? Is that the mate you want? If so, have sex with me, then leave like you did before" "that's not what I want" "this is your pack and your rules, tell me what you want and I will obey you" "stop Aria, I don't want none of that, I want you to be normal" I lent down and I kissed her, it felt cold and not like our normal kissing, she still wasn't happy, the only thing that will make her happy is moving Jasmine and Sam out, but I didn't want that.

I woke up in the morning and Aria wasn't there, I got out of bed and went to the pups room, if she's not in bed, 99% of the time she is in the pups room, when I got there, Aria nor the pups were there but in Kassian's bed was a note saying -

    Sorry Ranger, but I'm going
    to my brothers or a few days
    to think, I'm taking the pups
    with me, after what happened
    last night, I need some space,
    I will contact you in a few days,
    BUT I will NOT return if
    Jasmine and Sam are still in
    the main house.

I ripped the note up before reading it all, is she fucking crazy taking my pups?

I was furious as a bolted out of the pups room, straight into Jasmine, knocking her back into her brother, "I'm sorry, I didn’t see you there, something important has arisen" "oh no, is there anything we can do?" Jasmine said touching my arm, concerned, how can Aria not like her? She is so kind, a calming wave rolled over me, "its fine, you going to breakfast? I will join you".

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