Ranger's POV (4)

867 19 4

Trigger warning.

Sexual assault

We stood there in the forest looking at each other, I could tell she was getting embarrassed with me standing there naked but most of the pack have seen each other naked at some point so standing in front on my mate is nothing, she going to see me like this when we fuck for the first time, 'why was she running away? I thought she liked us' "why are you running?" I asked Maddox's question, "I want to go home" "this is your home now, you are my fated partner" "I don't feel anything" she said shyly.

That took me a back a little, 'how? We feel it, she's lying' "you feel nothing? Nothing at all?" She just shook her head "maybe when we mate for the first time then it will come to you" "mate? I'm not going to have sex with you, no way", I could feel Maddox getting angry and frustrated with her, he wanted to take over me so bad 'calm down Maddox, she is scared and you popping out won't help' 'then make her stop saying all this bullshit' "come on Aria, you understand what a fated partner means? We are bound together now, forever" she just fell to her knees.

I knelt in front of her, she was crying, "I'm sorry, there wasn't anything I could of done" 'don't apologize to her, she's the one that's lying', I put my hand on her head, I felt the spark between us, "you don't feel that?" I asked gently, she just shook her head no 'SHE LYING' Maddox roared, "let's go back to the pack house so we can talk" "no" she whispered 'DRAG HER' 'shut up' "please" I said cupping her face, pulling it up so she was looking at me, after a few minutes she then nodded.

I took her hand and helped her stand up, she only came up to my chest, she had full view of my body.

Her cheeks went a cute shade of pink and quickly looked away, "Aria, take off your pants" she shot me a look full of daggers, "the top you stole from me is like a dress on you, I don't mind walking around like this" I laughed, she quickly pulled her hand out of mine, "turn around" "yes ma'am" I did as I was told and turned.

After a minute or so, I stole myself a glimpse, she had the t-shirt pulled up into her mouth, the pants started to fall down, her ass was perfect, just like a ripe peach, ready to be bitten into, I turned back around so I didn't get caught peeking, 'that ass is mine' 'your wrong there Maddox, in this form, her ass is mine' I laughed.

"Here", I turned around to her and was stood in front of me, holding out the pants but looking away from me, I took them from her "thanks", I put them on "does this look better?" She quickly looked at me and nodded, I took her hand and led her back to the pack house.

She didn't say anything the whole way back to the back house, I kept trying to talk but like earlier when Maddox and Midnight ran, she was silent, I know this is a lot for her to take in, she could at least talk to me but we have time, we have a life time.

The pack house came into view, I stopped just before we left the forest, "there's so many people outside waiting" she finally looked up from the ground and tightened her grip on my hand, "it's ok, they won't touch you, they all know you are mine" 'I will kill who ever does' Maddox added.

I near enough pulled her to the pack house, "there you are, did she try to run?" Cash joked, I just ignored him, General Saxon was like I little girl on there birthday, he was so excited, "meeting at 5, don't be late" I said taking her into the house and up to my room.

The clothes I bought up for her, were all over the bed as when I heard Cash shouting me saying that my mate had ran out the house, I just threw them in the room.

I picked them up saying "these are for you", she just sat on the bed, she looked so sad, I sat down next to her, kissed her head, she didn't move away, so I thought that was the green light for me to carry on, I put my hand on her leg and kissed her neck, she was still not moving away, I got off the bed and knelt in front of her, now both my hands on her legs, moving them up under her top, knowing she has no panties on, 'yes, that it, fuck her' 'shut up'.

Looking up to her face, her eyes were glazed over, like her body was there but her soul wasn't, I reached up getting her to look at me, I kissed her gently on the lips, still no movement from her.

I pushed her back on the bed and I got up on top of her, she just blankly looked at me, I took my pants off and lifted her top up.

She didn't move a muscle, not until I moved my hand down her body, grabbing a hold of my member, readying it to put in her, 'once it's in, she can't go anywhere, she will be ours forever, she will give us so many pups' Maddox said getting as excited as I was.

She started to cry, turning her head to the side, looking away from me, I had to take it slowly, my dick is huge, especially for a young virgin Lycan like her, she grabbed onto the sheets in pain, she bit her bottom that hard, it started bleeding.

I was almost fully in her, her silent screams echoed in my ears, her tears flowed faster.

Once I was fully in, I had to move her up the bed so she was more comfortable.

I made love to her motionless body, she just cried the whole time, "will you except my children?" "No" she whispered, I knew what the answer was going to be but I still wanted to ask.

We could have sex 100 times trying for a pup but if she doesn't except my seed then there will be no pup for us, 'do it again, she might change her mind' 'no, I think she had enough' 'shift, I will tell you when she's had enough' 'DO NOT TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT, her Lycan may have expected you, she just needs time, time we have'.

I ran her a bath and put her in, I had to change the sheets, there was pools of blood everywhere, I will have to get another mattress to, it had seeped down to that, I flipped it over and put the new sheets on.

After changing the sheets I helped wash her motionless body, she just sat there with her knees pulled up into her chest, I dried her off and put some clean clothes on her, tears escaped her eye's, I wiped them off and put her into bed.

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