Aria's POV (8)

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Ranger got home just after dinner, I sat waiting for him in the room we ate in this morning, he came into the room, soaking wet.

I helped him take off his drenched jacket, it was so heavy, he took off his muddy boots, he went to his knees and hugged me around the waist, just like this morning "you haven't eaten yet?" "No, I was waiting for you".

He inhaled his food, I just picked at mine, after this mornings food, I wasn't hungry but I made myself eat for him, he needs food, I don't want him throwing it on the floor again.

We sat out on the swing outside watching the rain, "Aria, was you from the Frost Sun pack?" "Yeah, they kicked me out as I was an unscented omega and that I was useless to the pack so they kicked me out" "I met your brother today" "oh really, which one?" "There's more then one?" "I had four brothers, Mitch, Malcolm, Curtis and Dixson, they abandoned me like everyone else did, Dixson disowning me hurt the most, he always looked out for me" "I think that's who it was, he looked very concerned about you" she looked down, letting her hair cover her face, "before I came here, he would come and see me from time to time to see how I was, he never got caught as I had no scent so they didn't find out, I bet he's worried as I've been here for a while".

Weeks passed and I put on so much weight, to what Ranger and Doctor Anderson was happy about.

One night Ranger left my room at 9pm, normally he leaves at 11pm like he does every night but we never have sex, not since Cash found he stood outside, but this night, he kept saying I smelled really nice, then left.

'Wake up, it's happening' Midnight repeated herself over and over again, waking me up.

My body felt hot all over, like I was on fire, "what's going on?" My breath was short and sharp, like I couldn't catch a full breath, 'it's your heat' 'no it can't be, I don't have them' 'well congratulations, this is your first, go and find Ranger, he knows what to do' 'no, no I won't go'.

"Aria, is everything alright in there? your scent is filling the whole house" Ranger said as he banged on the door, "I'm fine, go away", he ignored my request of going away, he thought it as an invitation to come in, "Aria, are you in heat?" "NO, GET OUT", he ignored me again, he got up on the bed, pining my arms up above my head and baring his face in my neck, "stop, get off" I struggled.

Where ever he touched on my body was like a little electric sparks, my body was loving every minute of it but my head wasn't, I started screaming as loud as I could for him to get off me, "ok, ok, I'm stopping, stop screaming" "g...g... Get off me" I stuttered "I don't think I can do that, your in heat, I will help you get through it" he said kissing my neck again, it felt so good, I kissed him when he looked at me, my body wanted, needed him, he made the kiss longer and deeper.

He only stopped when we needed air, "that's the first time you have ever kissed me" he said, he looked so happy, 'that's because we love you' Midnight cried, that brought me back to my census, "NO, STOP, GET OFF" I started screaming again, worse then before and hitting out, it shocked him and he stopped, "get off" and this time he did.

He stayed by my bed all night, my body wanted his touch so bad.

One minute it felt like it would start to die down, Ranger would make any tiny noise and my body would ignite.

Ranger had to leave the room as he couldn't take it anymore, he kept trying to mount me, the last time he tried, my Lycan's claws came out and I scratched his back really bad, I felt guilty but I didn't want what Ranger was offering.

This heat lasted almost two weeks, the Doctor told me as it being my first heat cycle and not letting Ranger 'help me' that's why it lasted so long, he said since my heat cycles have started, they will come every three months, like normal omega's.

That was a load of bullshit, they came every three weeks, I would lock myself in my room, Lucky these heats only lasted two days at most.

When they came, Ranger would sit outside my room, protecting me, apparently since my heats have started, everyone can now smell me and would try to get to me.

In the three months that I shouldn't of had a heat, I had 4, but when the fifth one hit, it was like all 4 heats put together.

I needed help, I needed someone, anyone to help me.

I got out of bed, my legs gave out instantly and I fell to the floor, I crawled out the door, heading down the hall to Ranger's room, it was a few doors down but on the other side.

I got half way there when, someone came up behind me, "mmmm, what do we smell boys? She smell delicious, her mate obviously isn't doing a good job" "her heat is in over drive, it's so strong, I think she would like us all at the same time" one laughed.

One grabbed my leg, making me drop to the floor, he turned me over, "wait that's Ranger's mate, we can't", I tried to fight one of them off but I couldn't, I had no strength, I wanted someone to help me get away from them but i wanted help with my heart, where I thought just anyone could help me, when they came, I didn't want them, I wanted Ranger, my voice wouldn't even come out to scream for him.

All of a sudden, the men got off me and whimpered on the floor, it was Ranger's pheromones I could smell, it smelled exactly like the day he bit me, he is who I want to help me, "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?" He shouted, "Ranger, help me" I cried, he scooped me up, "you three stay there and do not move until I tell you to".

I let my mind, body and soul get consumed in pleasure, Ranger and I were in his room, for a solid week having sex, we could only sleep for an hour or two then we would go at it again, he did me every way possible, this was the happiest I've ever been.

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