Ranger's POV (23)

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I went into her private room, she looked like she was asleep, but when I closed the door, she opened her eyes, the sad smile returned, "how are you feeling?" I know it was a stupid question but I still wanted to ask, "it hurts a little but I'm ok, did you open the card?", I got it out my pocket, "I completely forgot about it" "please open it", I sat on the bed next to her and opened the card, it had congratulations written on the front, I opened the card and it said inside,

Hello Daddy,
Us three pups will
See you in around about
8 to 12 weeks,
We can't wait.
Please look after Mummy
She is very scared,
We love you Daddy.
Pup 1
Pup 2
Pup 3.

"Three?" I said looking at the picture's that fell out, Maddox was going crazy in my head, "we are starting our big family with a bang" she tried to laugh but turned into pain, "is everything ok with them? With the stabbing?" "I don't know, Midnight says there ok but we won't know until we have a scan, Doctor Anderson said I need to rest today and have it tomorrow or the next day" "if you want it done now I will make him do it" "no, I'm tired, will you lay with me?" "I will do anything for you but your brother's are outside waiting to come in" "no, not yet, I just want to lay and cuddle for a bit".

We laid there, she put her head on my chest, I made sure she didn't move to much, I hated being away from her, knowing how bad she was injured, sometimes I leave for the day for a meeting and never feel the need to get back to her straight away, it comes after I've been away from her for more then 12 hours but I rarely let it get that far.

"What happened to Dee?" Aria asked as she get a bit more comfortable, "she's dead" "did you kill her?" "It was between me and Mitch, we both laid into her and we couldn't stop, I saw red and I couldn't stop until she was dead, what if you died?" "But I didn't" "but what if you did? She would have also killed our pup's, I'm glad I killed there pack before she did this or they would have been obliterated" she fell silent, there was no real come back to that statement.

She fell asleep not long after, I put my hand gently on her stomach, she flinch a little, "Daddy will protect you three and Mummy forever".

Her brothers came in after an hour or so of waiting, they couldn't wait anymore, Mitch, Malcom and Curtis stood around the bed but Dixson stood at the window, not wanting to look at her, "we are so happy you are ok Aria, life without you would have been miserable" Mitch said taking her hand, "yeah we just got you back" Malcolm said sitting on the end of the bed, "your not a loud to leave us" Curtis added "not that we all abandoned her years ago" Dixson said under his breath but we all could hear him, "my patience for you is wearing very thin today, if you can't say nothing nice, keep your mouth fucking shut" Mitch was getting angry again.

"I'm just saying, your talking to her like we are all one big happy family, but we are not, she got kicked out of our back, then got forcefully bitten by Ranger she's had a miserable life, while we did nothing, now I have found my mate and no one is doing nothing about it, this is all fucking bullshit" "but we are all together now" Aria said upset that Dixson was saying all these horrible things, "Dixson, I think you should leave the room before I get mad" I said, raising my voice a little, "why? Because the pregnant princess is upset", before I could get up from the bed, Malcolm had grabbed Dixson around the neck and dragged him out the room with Curtis close behind.

Aria cried while Mitch and I were stunned to silence, Dixson dotted on Aria and now he's saying all these spiteful things to her, "I'm sorry you had to hear that Aria, he's just upset that he’s found his fated partner and that I'm more concerned about you than setting up a meeting for him" "that's good news he has finally found her" she said through her tears, "don't worry about him, I will deal with it when we get home, did he say that you are pregnant? Aria are you with pup?" "Yeah she is, she's with three" I said handing him the card with the pictures still inside.

He started crying over the picture's "oh wow, that's fantastic news, the best news I've heard" Mitch crying made Aria cry, I was the odd one out not crying, 'should we cry to?' Maddox questioned, 'I don't think so, just let them cry for us'.

I left the room, letting Mitch and Aria cry, what I wanted was to find Dixson, I was ready to rip him a new one when I found Malcolm and Curtis beating the crap out of him, "Lad's, I think he's had enough, go and see your sister, she has something to show you".

They left, I grabbed Dixson's collar and dragged him on the floor, over to the bench, he just slouched over, what Maddox and I really wanted the most was to finish him off for the way he spoke to Aria but we both know how Aria will feel if we did it.

He was in no fit way to talk, I grabbed a bottle of water and a towel when I walked past a cleaning cart, I cleaned his face and I wasn't gentle about it, he kept whinging that it's hurt, I gave exactly zero fucks, "ouch, that hurts" "good, maybe the kickin your brothers just gave you knocked some sense into you, yeah OK you found your fated mate and we are happy for you, but you have to realise that other people have other concerns" "I know but I have never wanted anything so badly in my life" he said talking the bottle from me and taking a sip, "Aria is going to want you close to her now, more then ever, do you think you will be able to forfil that by dropping everything? I don't think you will, you will have to tell her that you won't see her anymore because, I won't be telling her" I said throwing the towel next to him and walked back inside.

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