Ranger's POV (43)

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'Where are they?' Maddox shouted in my head, 'this is taking to fucking long, I know we shouldn't have trusted a Larkin, they are all fucking crazy' 'calm down Maddox, you're getting too worked up, if you carry on like this, you're going to burst out' 'why Aren't you so panicked? These are our pups that have gone missing' 'do you not think I know that? The one time I had them in my care alone without Aria, they get kidnapped, I'm on the brink of insanity' "look there, that's my teddy I left behind" the little one said.

I leant down and picked it up for her, it had her scent all over it, she was telling the truth that she slept here, "what way did they go?" I said as I handed her, her damp teddy, she hesitantly took it off me, "that way" she pointed straight on, we all went off running.

We ran for about an hour, Lucy would smell the air and direct us the right way.

'Why are we following this Lycan? She's a Larkin, she's probably mad that her whole pack was killed' 'what is she going to do? She is going to do by herself? If that little pup can get the better of us, then she can have the pack, Maddox, just look at her, she's clinging onto Dixson like he is her only family, Dixson had been having a really hard time of late, having this little Lycan here, he has changed already, you can see it in his face, he needs her to help him heal' 'I still don't what her help, I think she is up to something' 'quite Maddox, we need all the help we can get to find the pups'.

We finally come to a stop at an abandoned building, "it can't be" Dixson said "who is it? Do you know the scent?" "I thought I picked it up a few miles back but I thought I was mistaken" "Dixson, who is it?" "It's my father's scent" "WHAT?" I shouted, "Mitch told me that they fled when the fighting started, it's strange, I don't smell my mother's scent, where ever one goes, the other one isn't far behind but if can only smell him" "little one, are the pups in there?" I was beside myself with anger, I still couldn't smell them, how have they been masked so no one can smell them apart from this little Lycan?

She sniffed the air and nodded, "they both are in there" she whispered, I bolted to the door, ready to rip his head from his shoulders, I didn't care who he was, Dixson grabbed me and stopped me, "what the fuck are your doing?" "Slow down, me need to take this careful, you don't know what state the pups are in or even where they are" "what do you suggest we do Dixson? Or are you just stopping me from killing your father?" "No, I couldn't care less about him, I'm thinking of the safety of the pups".

Dixson crouched down letting the little one slide off his back, "Lucy, listen, do you think you can go inside and fine where about the pups are and come and let us know?" "What? Are you fucking joking, I'm not going to let the fate of my pups to a five-year-old" 'Ranger, let's just fucking go in there' Maddox growled, "I'm seven not five, Dixson, I can do it, I promise, I will find them for you" Dixson hugged her tight then she went into the building, "she will find them".

The wait was torture, I paste back and forth for felt like hours "where is she? The pup has been in there for hours" "Ranger, it hasn't been five minutes, just give Lucy some time, she will find them and tell us, then we can go in there and get them" 'and kill the prick that took the pups, don't talk me out of it Ranger' Maddox growled 'no need, I'm going to kill him with my own hands, how dare he take my pups away' I could feel the anger bubble up inside.

In my life, Ive been angry, when Aria was first there, I was mad that she hated me and when she went to save Dixson alone while she was heavily pregnant with the pups, there was a few other times but there's only one other time Ive felt this angry, it was just after my mother died, I was about 10, I was at school when one of the other students was making jokes about my mother dying, we had all been tested to find out what we were, I was the only alpha in that year, even without being tested, everyone could tell I was going to be an alpha, I was a lot bigger then the other students, I lost my temper and I nearly killed the student that was saying the horrible things about my mother, Cash and some of the teachers had to get me off him before I killed him, my father beat me so bad after what I did, he wouldn't listen to me trying to tell him the reason why.

I was in bed for three days recovering after my father's beating, my father came into my room and sat on my bed, he moved the hair from my face and said "this needs cutting, when you shift for the first time, your Lycan will have long fur" "do you forgive, father?" "There is nothing to be forgiven for, it was just a lesson you needed to learn, I know it was a tough lesson but a lesson none the less, you should never treat your fellow Lycan's like that" "but he said that mother deserved to die, that its better now she is dead" "listen Ranger, one day you will be to top alpha of this pack, you can't resolve everything with your fists, yes I know alphas have a lot of responsibilities resting on there shoulders but we can't just be violent, we need to care about others in the pack, come on lets get something to eat".

Since that day, I had calmed down, but right now, the flood gates have been opened.

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