Aria's POV (63)

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I was already missing the pups, for weeks, I have been getting them up in the morning for breakfast and ready for school, now, I have to wait for my own pups to wake.

"The mornings are boring now that the pups have gone" I said as I sat up in bed, "you have your own pups to worry about" "yeah, I know, but they are too young to be woken up for school" "we can make some more pups if you want? That won't make the mornings so boring, I don't mind getting up early in the morning, if you know what I mean" he said giving me a sexy wink.

He was still under the covers but I could tell that he was touching himself "I'm not sure if I'm ready for another pup yet, what if I have three again?" "That won't happen again, that was just a miracle, so.... Do you want to try?" This time his hand was traveling up my leg towards my crutch.

I didn't need much persuading, when we are at it, time escapes us, we only knew it was getting late in the morning is when Cash knocked on the door, "Aria, Soloman is hungry", I could hear him crying for me, "no more Ranger, I need to go feed him" "we are making him a little brother give us a minute" he shouted, "Ranger our pup is crying" "please Aria, I need this, it's been a while since we last did it" "it's not been that long" "the last time was when Dixson left the pups here, we have just finished when he linked with you" 'that's right' Midnight chirped in, let's just say we were longer than a few minutes, we were nearly late for breakfast.

Ranger and I were having sex almost every night, for our 4th pup, but we wasn't so worried this time, if it happened or not.

It was coming up to the pups first birthday, we had so many Lycan's join our pack in the last six months, the third pack house was finished, not too long ago, but it looks like we might need a fourth one.

The pups are still too young to go to school, but on a Tuesday the pups go for a few hours just to start to introduce them to some other pups from the other houses.

I was sat in Ranger's office with Cash, General Saxon and a few others, they were talking about the fourth pack house, "sorry to interrupt, but with building a fourth house, won't you need to build a bigger dining hall and school? With all the Lycan's we have now its getting cramped, especially the dining hall, this morning, Cash and I had to get our breakfast and eat it in the pups room" "she's right, the Lycan's that are coming are around our age Ranger, there will be so many pups coming in the near future".

They all carried on talking for a little while about building what I had suggested, then we all heard blood curdling scream come from outside, all of us went running out the office and out the front door, there was a male Lycan that I've never seen before, he was holding another Lycan with long blonde hair.

We got closer to them, they were covered in blood and torn up pretty bad, it gave me a flashback of when Dixson walked out torn up, many years ago, "what happened?" Ranger demanded "a Lycan out in the woods attacked my sister and myself, please help us" he pleaded "can you describe what they looked like?" General Saxson asked, "I don't know, it happened so fast" "anything, any little detail will help" "he was wearing a white top with some cartoon character on it".

General Saxon jumped into action first shouting "Cash, take them to the infirmary and called Doctor Anderson to get here ASAP, Ranger, I'm going to take a few Lycan's to hunt the forest, the breach needs to be found".

Cash and the unknown male Lycan went running one direction, General Saxon and the others went the other, "Aria, go back to the house" "why should I?" "This could be dangerous", "I'm coming with you, the female Lycan might be scared with all you males crowded around her" "fine, but you have to leave when the pups need picking up" "deal".

It was hours before she woke up, I got the pups settled with Mika, I wanted to check on the female Lycan before I went back to put the pups to bed, I bet she will be so scared when she wakes up, her brother was with Ranger, a kind face is what she needs to see when she wakes, not one of these brutes.

When I entered the room, she was still asleep, when I got closer to the bed, she sat bolt upright, shouting "NO, STAY BACK" then looked at me, she looks scared but then her face changed to annoyed, "who are you?" She said tutting at me, "I'm Aria, I'm..." "I was told the top alpha is called Ranger? Where is he?" She interrupted me, "yeah, he is, I think he's talking to your brother, Ranger is my..." "Go get my brother and the top alpha" she interrupts me again, "what's your name? So I can tell them" "it's Jasmine, hurry" she said waving her hand for me to leave, I was taken aback with how rude she was, I brushed it off, thinking that she's just scared.

I went to the office where they were talking, "Ranger, she is awake" the male Lycan, ran out of the room, we all followed, when Ranger and I got to the room, she was asleep again, I was a little worried that she might have passed out with the pain again, how wrong I was.

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