Ranger's POV (41)

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Aria and Dixson was outside with the pups, General Saxon was talking to me but I wasn't really listening, I just watched them out the window, "Ranger, are you listening? This is every serious" "sorry, continue" "I know you want to be with your family but this is important, there’s a breach in our security, this will affect your family" "I’m listening, how are we going to fix the problem?" "I think...".

General Saxon left after I agreed with his solution, I had a few things to sign before if could go out to Aria.

Cash also popped in to let me know how Mika was getting on, she’s only been here for a few months but she has fit in nicely, Cash bit her not long after she got here, I'm just waiting on news that they are with pup, "how are the pups today?" Cash said looking out the window, "yeah they are good, Soloman is running a bit of a high temperature as is Aria but you wouldn't know to look at them, "I can not believe that they are almost six months old, it just feels like yesterday that they were born, planning on having any more?" "I would love to have a big family and I think Aria does to but having three at once is a struggle so I wont push her for more, I will let her come to me about it, what about you? Where’s your pup?" I laughed.

He hesitated at first, "I’ve asked if we can hold up on pups until, Kassian, Caspian and Soloman are older" "what? Why?" "I vowed to you that I will always be here for you and your family" "that doesn't mean that you cannot have your own" "but what if you need me to look after the pups and I have my own and I cannot come and help, I would be riddled in guilt" "you are not the only one here in this pack, Dixson practically lives here now" Cash looked away from me with a pout, "what’s that look for?" I laughed, “I think Dixson spends to much time with the pups" "are you jealous of Dixson?" I laughed again, he didn't answer me so that means a yes.

"Listen Cash, the pups are not going away anytime soon, you are there cool uncle" "I'm not really there family" "you may not be my brother by blood but you are in my heart and no one will tell me anything different, please stop worrying about my family, that’s my job, please be happy and make your own to fill the hole that my pups are filling, they can only fill it so far" "thanks Ranger, I think I needed this talk so I can push further and not hold myself back, just not today, I want to go out to see my nephews" he laughed as he ran out the office door, "bloody fool", it took him no time at all to get to the pups outside, they all started to crawl to him, he will make a fantastic father one day.

A few days past and Aria and Soloman wasn't getting any better, Doctor Anderson couldn't pin point what it was, "Ranger, I would like to take them both to the hospital to run more in-depth tests to figure this out" "I'm not going, I can't leave Ranger to look after the pups, can't you just take blood here?" "Ignore her, please take them and get to the bottom of this, Aria, you forget, I have a lot of help" I pointed to Cash who had Caspian and then to Dixson, who was crawling on the floor chasing Kassian, "I will be fine" "but" "no buts, your going".

Aria tried to protest the whole time waiting for the ambulance and when she was getting in.

I didn’t take no for an answer, she needs help and I can’t help her.

The pups were fast asleep after there last feed, Aria called me every five minutes to see how they were, "stop calling, its only been a few hours, they are fine, how about you? Have they done the tests?" "They have taken my blood just now and they took Soloman's earlier, now we are just waiting on the results, can I come home?" "no not yet, get better first, what about Soloman?" "he's fed and changed, he won’t settle, he wants to come home to have cuddles with his Daddy so does Mummy" "do you want me to come up? I can bring the pups up to or I can ask Cash to watch them?" "No, it's just me being needy" "sleep well my love, I will bring the pups up to see you in the morning" "I love you to”.

I didn’t like telling her that she had to stay there, but its for the best, I went into the pups room to kiss them good night, "night pups, Mummy will be home soon" I went to bed but I was restless, it took me ages to get to sleep, before having the pups, when I felt like this, I would wake Aria up and bang her brains out.

'RANGER, RANGER' Cash mind linked with me, I hate mind linking, especially at night, 'Cash, stop fucking screaming like a bitch, what do you want? I just got to sleep' I could feel Maddox stir in my head, he hates being woken up more then I do, his fine if its Aria or the pups that's woken him, 'the pups, there gone' 'WHAT??????'.

I jumped out of bed and ran to the pups room, all the cots were empty, Solomen was with his mother in hospital, "where are my pups? Who took them? Who was the last person to check on them?".

There arnt many Lycans that live in this pack house, it could fit 30
Lycans comfortably but I only have about 15 Lycans, not including the pups, "get everyone outside NOW".

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