~ 2 ~ : I am doomed!

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I don't really know for how long I was walking in this forest. My body started to feel hot, my legs were starting to get draggy and all I wanted was to drop to the ground and rest. However my mind told me not to do it. I knew very well what would happen if I stopped walking now. It was obvious. Once I would stop moving, I was doomed. I can give this life a check and say goodbye very very fast.


Screw this damn world!

Where am I even?

Is this normal?

Screw the one summoning here!

Screw god!

Screw everyone.

At this point, I was just done with life and everything. Of course I was done. How could I not be done with it? Did I have a chance to survive? No! Whoever abandoned this body owner must have been crazy! There was no chance an ordinary girl could make it out of this situation!

Desperation was what kept me going or should I say it was the will to live because I was uncertain what would happen once I stopped moving. Would I die? Would there be a main character who was about to be safe? Was there a second chance? Would I return back to my world and my place? Who knows! All I had were questions running wild in my mind and all I could think right now was nothing. My body felt too heavy and I was just tired. Still nonetheless I continued moving forward step by step. I had to keep going on!

Where this power in myself came from was unknown but thanks to it, I managed to go further and further into the woods till I started to hear something. It was the first time I was hearing noises ever after I woke up and of course after that one snapping sound and the thunder in the background. The weather was soo not getting better and it was in fact against me.

Should I try to see what is going on?


Are you dumb?


Yeah, no. I might have really lost it at this point. I wanted to go see what was making these noises since they were the first ones in what feels like hours. There was no sense of time at all thanks to this rain I couldn't even tell how late it was. One thing was for sure. It was still not dark and that meant it was something around late afternoon but seriously I didn't know it exactly.

Then there it was again, more snapping could be heard but this time I had a bad feeling about this. Something about this place was weird. I mean a kid in a forest without any traces of anything and then there was the fact that there was no cliff, no road or anything. At some point, I should have found something but there was nothing. I wasn't sure if following this sound was a good idea now but did I have any other choices right now? I wanted to live and survive after all.

I should get ready and have a plan B at this point!

What if that is a monster?

What if there is someone wanting to harm me?

What if that is an animal?

What if they're gonna kill me or it!


Sometimes I wanted to kill my mind for coming up with things that it should not do. Panicking was not doing me any good and yet here I was doing exactly that. How else should I actually deal with this feeling if not panic? I knew nothing! I was alone and there was nothing that was actually keeping me alive or giving me a chance to survive!

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