~7~: What a maid...

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For some reason I thought that embroidery would be a good gift but the moment my maid left the room, I wanted to slap myself. Was it normal for a six year old child to be doing something like this and asking for threats and needles? I don't think so but then again I definitely didn't know what is the norm for normal here at all. Who knows maybe I was the crazy one here. Ah no, I was definitely the odd one in this world for sure.

Which kid makes these things?

How am I even gonna explain how I can do them if I can do it?

How am I going to explain anything?

This doesn't make any sense.

Oh well..

What happened happened.

I decided to just stay and wait for my maid to come back and even then I didn't think she would be back soo fast with all the necessary things. There were a lot of different materials and threats and everything. She then came over to where I was sitting and sat right there next to me.

"What do you want to do?"

"A sword and a shield."


Without me even saying anything, she started to make it but the moment I saw that she was about to make the whole thing on her own and start, I stopped her immediately. After all, I wanted to be the one making something for my father and giving it to him. No matter how it would end up, I was determined to do it.

"I wanna try."

"Do you know how to do it, princess?"

"No but I wanna try. Can you show me how?"


Now the whole scenario looked different as she gave me a cloth and then handed over some threats to choose and a needle so I could embroider myself something on it. She had everything prepared and then started showing me how I should put the needle in the fabric and how to do a stitch. Of course I tried to follow her and it didn't turn out quite perfect but also not that bad. In the end we were together doing this for quite some time before I heard a knock on the door.

"Princess, may I enter?"


A tall man who was wearing a black and blue uniform came into the room and I saw the family emblem on it. He was either someone who worked for the duke or he was actually a very important employee here. It was clear by the clothing and that emblem that he was in a higher up position just like my maid. She in fact had the emblem also on right on her shoulder and I noticed this earlier but the maids before didn't have them on at all.

"My name is Delca. I am the headbutler here. Master Oliver sent me over to get you."

"Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"The fine lady did nothing wrong. He simply wishes to dine with you."

"Ohh... is it that time already?"

"I fear it is."

Emi smiled at me and I knew that what she just said made sense. I mean we were doing this for a couple of hours straight and it made soo much fun that I didn't really get how the time passed this quickly. It was somewhat a plus for me since I didn't have to worry about anything at all but then again I spent all the time thinking about stitches that I knew before and trying to make them again. It wasn't that bad but my hand really started hurting. Nothing came without pain and from experience, there were some stuff like crocheting plushies or embroidery or even some kind of sport that came with pain even though they made soo much fun. Thinking about it, nothing was free and everything needed some sweet and blood. More sweet and brain power actually but who cares about the details anyways.

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