~4~: Quite the situation

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It took a bit of time till I finally woke up and honestly I didn't know how long I slept for nor did I really care because I just woke up and felt like going crazy. How in the world did everything turn out to be like this? Not only was I concerned about my safety but also about the plot which will unfold for sure. However I didn't have any intention of following the storyline at all. If things would go according to it then every single one in this family including me would die and I definitely didn't want to die at all. Who knows what would happen if I die! Maybe I would die for real!


Soo much happened in just a short while...

How am I supposed to adapt to this?

I know I am destined to die... and I am not the only one with that destiny.


This feels more like a dream or a joke...

Can someone please wake me up!!!

For real this time!


Guess... This is long from over huh....

As tired as I was, I managed to wake up a couple of times while I was laying down but this was the first time in a while where I was awake and my complete self. Of course the first thing I did was just lay there in the bed and look up to the ceiling. Gotta have to admit it. This ceiling was gorgeous. There were images of a dragon and stars aligning along. It looked just beautiful and reminded me of a dragon flying in the night. Seriously heads up to the one who created this piece of art.

I wonder how long it took to make this picture.

That dragon looks soo alive.

This was however not the reason why I was laying down in the bed. The honest reason why I didn't want to move at all was quite simple. This bed was soo fluffy and comfy that I felt like it could swallow me up or I could merge with it without any kind of remorse at all. This was just one hell of a bed and I loved how it felt. Not even my queen size bed at home could compare with this one. This was just royalty treatment and heavenly.

This bed is definitely from another world!

I kinda want to stay here forever.

Would be a bad idea, I guess.

Still I hope I can stay here just for the bed!

This will be worth it!

Still my curiosity got the better of me and after I layed down enough, I slowly got up to look around the room.


It was breathtaking and gorgeous. Still it was a bit too much for me. This room was large and everything in here had something decorated with gold, silver or even a gem. It looked expensive and I bet all the money I had on it that not even royalty would live this fancy. Well what do I know about royalty in this world but this was definitely of a larger scale from what I knew about history books and all. Besides that, I didn't have any money to lose with this bet at all. I was poor after all.


This room....

How much is just the cover worth?

Oh god!

I can't even start thinking about how much money is spent in this room alone, not to think about the whole duke's castle!

While I was looking around, I saw a window and decided to slowly get out of this bed. I really don't get why I thought it would be a good idea to go to the window and have a look because that window was a door to the balcony. Anyways, I got off the bed and instead of landing on my feet, I kinda fell down. I was quite clumsy and managed to get one of my feet stuck with the blanket and took it with me while I was falling down. I mean I was small for a child and I did wonder how old I was. Last time I checked in a puddle, I would say I was about 5 or 6 years old. Something like that.

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