~36~: This was to be expected!

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It was getting fairly dark by the time I was well rested after the ride in the carriage. No one could actually blame me for this since we arrived somewhat before sunset and that was quite late. By the time the tour was over with these two holy knights it was starting to get dark and I did rest a lot after that. Still for some reason I woke up in the middle of the night when everyone was supposed to sleep and found myself hungry. Come to think of it, I haven't eaten anything the whole day at all. So when I woke up in my bed the first thing I noticed in this quiet place was my grumbling stomach which was definitely debanding food right now!

Should I wake up one of the holy knights?

They did say to wake them up if I needed anything...

But the kitchen shouldn't be that far... well in the other building but still not that far. There are not many rooms so I should be able to find it, right?

For some reason I felt really confident to go there by myself. I mean I should know better than this but I still didn't listen to my intuitions. I was just about to get some food after all. What should go wrong? There was not really much that could happen besides me getting scolded and I was fine with that. It would be after all my fault because I was about to steal some food after all. Oh well not as if my stomach would let me any other choice at all. I was hungry and I was certainly not about to go back to sleep with an empty stomach. Even if it would be just a mug of honey and milk, I would for sure be happy with that. Just bread was fine as well.


I don't wanna wake up the knights...

They should be resting and they need their rest too!

I am sure there will be something happening all day long and they must be as tired as me...

They were with Micheal the whole time as well...

I wonder how long they were up...

Whatever! They need their sleep!

Since I valued sleep a lot, I was certainly not about to wake these people up at all. I knew out of experience how important sleep was. There were nights I had to stay up studying or getting a project done and sacrifice sleep. I would always feel sluggish and just overall dead the next day. So if I could sleep, I would. It didn't make sense to me to wake them up and ask for help while I could help myself out too.


The kitchen should be on the first floor of the other building....

I got this!

I got out of my bed, and this time even changed into my nightgown which was laying prepared in my room. Someone of the knights must have entered the room while I was sleeping since I found a nightgown there and my veil, which I knew exactly that I tossed on the other side of the bed but it was now cleanly folded right next to the gown.

After I got changed, I started to walk out of my room and saw that the hallways were all empty. There was no one there and it was really quiet that one could even hear a needle falling to the ground. Of course my bare footsteps started to echo as I made my way to the other building and I even cursed myself a bit for that. I knew it wouldn't actually wake anyone up since it was not a loud enough sound but it was certainly annoying me right now.

Anyways, I managed to get to the kitchen and started to look around for a bit of food while struggling with this veil. Honestly if I were not a dragon, then seeing through that shit would be impossible. I thought it had something mysterious about it but right now, I found it to be inconvenient. However, I could understand why I was wearing this since I didn't want anyone to find out who I was besides the people Micheal trusted.

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