~11~: Freaking names...

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As my brother announced yesterday, I did have to go out with them to actually buy some new clothes. It kinda made sense to get some new ones but I really didn't want to go there personally. Don't get me wrong, I loved shopping and I also loved just looking at stuff around but I didn't really want to get out with my brother and just be the talk of the town!

I wish I could stay at home!

I don't get why I had to come with him!

I know about the moons festival and how important that is but still... why!!!

People are just looking at the carriage!

What am I about to do when we go out?

I was a nervous wreck since I didn't know anything about etiquette nor how I should behave myself nor anything at all. Besides, if I would do something wrong, I was sure that grandfather would know about this immediately. There was nothing to hide with soo many witnesses around as well. Now the thing that scared me most though was to actually lose my brother or get in a situation without him. How was I about to deal with things myself?! I am just a kid without any kind of upbringing or any common sense here!

"Are you feeling alright?"


"You look worried Viv, are you alright?"

How do you expect me to be alright with this?

I might get kicked out at the festival!

I might get laughed at in about a couple of minutes and people will badmouth you and me for being here!

So I have tons of problems including trying not to let you all die!

Anything else you want to know?

"No...I mean yes."

"Now that doesn't sound like that. How about we talk about it?"

Is no actually an option?


"I can listen to it and try to help you out. You know you are family now."

"How can you treat me like family? We barely know each other though."

"Because you have a more vibrant color of gold than any of us. That is proof enough that you are blood related to us and not to mention that the blood inside you is thicker than any of ours."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that your ability will be a lot stronger and more powerful than fathers."

The whole concept of abilities was so new and strange to me. I read about it in the book but being in the book now, I had to figure everything out on my own. That also included my very own ability and how to use it. Since I knew so little about it all, I was quite curious and I was sure he couldn't blame me for that as well. For now I had other problems at hand. There were soo many I could make a list which would rival a wishlist for Santa Clause! Oh well I should get to these problems and solve them one by one and try not to die in the process as well. Oh how many conditions and wishes I actually had.



"When do I get my ability tho?"

"HAHAHAHAHA now you are worried about that?"

"No, just curious."

"It's fine. No one knows when. It was different for each of us but you will know when you get yours."

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