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I fell on my knees as I watched her walk away from me which felt like she was walking away from my life too.

I couldn't move or do anything as my mind was filled with her thoughts and the days we've spent together. It felt like I was losing her, completely…

And I hated this feeling which was making me feel numb but is still paining me in the heart. I have no idea what to name this feeling but I feel heavy deep inside.

I grabbed my hair in frustration because It's like someone is stabbing me in the heart and I couldn't fight back or do anything to not feel hurt in there.

I inhaled deeply before setting my hair straight and standing up in my place. I shouldn't be this way, I can't!

I need to be strong, like I have always been. There's no way that a girl who just got into my life can rule it and make me feel some emotions according to her behaviour towards me.

I could never let that happen. I should be in the same way like I had always been, cruel and heartless. I don't care who goes out of my life.

I took big steps towards my place while my jaws and fists were clenched. Should I just go back to my usual self? In that way, I don't need to get hurt because I wouldn't be having any feelings.

Maybe I should go back to being heartless….


I came back to my senses when I heard everyone leaving the classroom. I exhaled while packing my stuff and going out of the classroom slowly.

I didn't see him today after our argument earlier. I don't regret anything I said to him because he deserves it.

I should maintain my distance from him so I could not think about him anymore and that way I would forget him in no time.

It's not like I've loved him more than my life that I would be grieving about the way he played with me, right? He doesn't even know my feelings.

I chuckled internally at my own fate where I didn't get my first love nor my second love. Maybe Love just isn't made for me.

I turned back when I heard someone call me and I knew who it was even before I turned. "Y/n" Jungkook approached me while I was near the entrance of the school.

"Are you going to the cafe? Let me walk you there" He offered genuinely but I was in no mood to work part time today. I shook my head while smiling at him.

"I'm going to my home" I informed while his grin widened. "That's good, I'll walk you home then" He flashed his bunny smile again, making me chuckle at him.

I nodded and started walking along with him. But my mind was still on the way I got fooled so easily by a school bully who had already hurt enough people.

"What are you thinking about?" He snapped his fingers at me breaking the long chain of my thoughts which I suppose would haunt me forever.

I shook my head while smiling nervously. "Nothing" I shrugged my shoulders off while he examined me.

"Are you alright, y/n?" He extended his hands towards my face and cupped my cheeks. "I'm fine" I looked away from him.

"But you don't look like it" I gulped my tears down as I remembered the same scene again and again. I couldn't hide my tears from him anymore when he asked me so worriedly.

I hugged his figure burying my face in his chest and started crying out. He caressed my back and consoled me.

I thought it was easy and it's not a big deal to love someone and get heartbroken later but now that I am experiencing it by myself, I feel like this is the hardest thing.

THE DANGEROUS BULLY~ |kth|Where stories live. Discover now