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Everything appears to be strange after that day. I don't know but I can't think about anything other than the sufferings he had to face.

What did he ever do to suffer like that? He's just an innocent little boy craving for love and affection but he never got any of it.

My heart aches for him whenever I get reminded about the tough of a past he had. I wish no one ever goes through that trauma.

That trauma which left him broken all at once. Imagine if I never met him? If he never met me? Then would he have changed? I doubt.

But we were destined to meet. I was destined to meet him so that he could change himself into a better human being. We were destined to be together.

The things he said about Jungkook were also making me anxious. I mean- how could Jungkook ever do any of it?

He's literally the sweetest but I don't mean that I don't trust Taehyung. There might be a misunderstanding between them or else I don't know.

But I just can't seem to believe that Jungkook could help his ruthless father in spying on him. That's just so sickening.

I hate his father and I wish, I could never see him again. Nothing can be justified for abusing a kid and torturing him to death. I hate him, to the core!

"What are you thinking about?" Mom smacked my head breaking the long chain of thoughts I had within myself.

"I- nothing" I replied and resumed chewing on my food. "Is something bothering you?" She asked, making me sigh in defeat.

"Eomma!" I called, almost whined. "What's the matter, my child?" She passed me the most gentle smile while assuring me.

"Can there be a person so cruel to abuse his own son and torture him?" I finally asked the question which was bugging me.

She took a pause and thought for some time while looking down. "Not everyone is good in this world y/n, if there's good then there's definitely bad too"

She caressed my hair softly before continuing. "There are people who are selfish and don't care about the others. You just need to identify who's good and who's bad"

She completed with a sigh of relief, making me nod understandingly. "But Eomma, I'm good at identifying people's nature. Right?"

I asked because I got complemented about this skill of mine way too many times. Many people said that I can read people at first glance.

"You think you can but nobody can be perfect all the time. Can they? You can mistake someone's nature as well"

She explained with the softest tone possible and her smile never faded away. I wonder how she's always cool and never gets tired of my stupid questions.

But her words made me rethink. She's actually correct. I thought Taehyung was cruel and heartless but I was wrong!

I thought Min Woo was good from heart but I was wrong! So I better be careful this time. I shouldn't trust anybody.

Now this makes me wonder what if I made mistake in judging Jungkook as well? I wish I didn't. I wish.

"Are you asking all these for Taehyung?" Her smile widened while mentioning his name. She sure loved him so much.

In fact, she was good at judging him. She knew what kind of a person he was. "Eomma! How do you figure out everything?"

I whined while she laughed hysterically. I finally smiled at her before laying on her lap. I missed it very much.

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