Chapter three - Tour guide

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'Benjamin!' The woman's shrill voice echoed through the house and sent a shiver down Ben's spine.

He slowly stood up and approached his bedroom door.

The voice called again, 'Benjamin!'

He walked down the stairs and towards the living room.

Aunt Molly called him one last time as he opened the living room door. 'Ben! Could you please explain to me why you haven't done any of your chores today? And where's your brother? He should have come home by now, he knows I don't like when he stays out late, he still has chores too!'

Ben bit his lip, he felt his tears building up in his eyes. 'I'm sorry.' He said in a small voice, a tear escaped his left eye.

'Oh dear, I didn't want to be mean, come here love.' Molly held out her arms and hugged Ben.

'What's wrong dear? Did you two argue again?'

He couldn't hold them back anymore, his tears flowed freely, dripping on the floor.


'I've been thinking...' Conan said between two forkfuls of spaghetti, 'How am I supposed to do missions if I don't have any weapons and stuff?'

Tom answered after he finished chewing, 'Sometimes there are missions for which the equipment is provided, but for most, you have to bring your own. You'll get fifty euros in your first morning letter to get you started so don't worry. And there are plenty of jobs that don't require any equipment.'


Tom nodded as he chewed. 'Plus a card for free classes on the 10th floor and free entry to any necessary training facilities like the gym or the target range, they're valid for this year, you'll get a new one next year. There's also a 50% discount on food for the residents of Barcrow.' Tom finished his spaghetti and wiped his mouth, Conan did the same a minute later.

As he drank some water, Tom waved to someone who was passing by, 'Oh, Kal! I wasn't expecting to find you here.'

Kal? Didn't Mr Claustein mention him?

Kal was about the same age as Conan, he had short, messy hair and brown eyes and he seemed to be the kind of person who was almost always cheerful and energetic.

'Hi Tom, I had to get dad some food for tonight's job.' He gestured towards the plastic bag of chinese food he was carrying.

'Is he still wanted?'

Kal nodded and eyed Conan, obviously wondering whether he was allowed to talk about such things in his presence.

'Don't worry,' Tom assured him. 'this is Conan, he's new. Actually, he's going to have to stay with you guys, since you have an empty bed.'

Kal's eyes seemed to glint in the light, which made Conan feel slightly uncomfortable.

'We've just finished eating so, if you want you could show him around the 11th floor?'

'Sure.' Kal smiled.

Once they were in the elevator Kal changed a lot. He was jumpy and excited and kept asking questions. 'Are you really gonna stay with us?'

Conan smiled slightly and nodded.

'This is gonna be great!' He hopped.

I guess he doesn't have many friends...

'What do you do?'


'What do you do? You know, what's your job, why were you hired?'

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