Chapter nine - Police and Results

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Ben walked along the dusty pavement kicking a stone. Some of his friends have been trying to make him cheer up, they even made him smile once when they suggested that Conan would become some sort of supervillain.

He smiled at the thought. How absurd can they get?

They offered to walk home with him but he refused. He didn't feel like being with people at the moment.

He's been gone for a week now. I hope he's alright.

He turned, walked up to the front door and pressed the doorbell.

I hope aunty is at home. I forgot my keys so if she isn't I'll just sit here and do my homework.

Moloney opened the door and as Ben walked in and took his shoes off, he saw that a policeman and woman were sitting at the kitchen table. He looked at his aunt questioningly.

'They're here to inform us on how the investigation's going.' She gestured for him to sit down.

He dropped his school bag and they sat at the table.

The policeman started. 'We've had multiple reports on sightings of him. We can confirm that he's alive and healthy but-.'

'No.' The woman cut him short. 'We don't actually know anything. Don't try to comfort people. It'll just hurt more later.'

'Wha...?' If they can't do anything, what good are the police? The anger and disbelief on his face caused everyone in the room to stay silent.

Then the man stood up. 'Well we'd better get going. The police are on the case, so don't worry.' He patted Ben's shoulder and walked towards the door.

The woman looked at him one last time and followed. Moloney let them out then came back and sat beside him.

He didn't have any reason to hide his anger anymore. 'If they can't do anything... I'll join the police force and bring him back myself!'

'You'll have to study a lot then. And you'd have to train your body too.'

'I'll do it! I'll study and train too! I'll become a policeman and find Conan!' With that he stood up, grabbed his bag and ran upstairs to do his homework (and start on some extra studying too).

Aunt Moloney sat there for another while, just thinking things through.

I haven't been able to contact their parents, the phone never connects and I can't seem to find that letter anywhere, it isn't where I put it, I think. Did I really forget to read it in the end? I just can't remember. I can't seem to find Conan's papers either. Strange. I'm sure they were in the drawer only days ago.


It's been a week now but all I've been told to do is learn random skills like woodwork and sewing. I mean, why the hell do I need to know how to groom a horse or draw blueprints? And since the first day I haven't even been allowed to go out of the building. All the girls said, when we told them about the newspaper article, was that I could put in colour contacts and dye my hair but since the police can't interfere unless it endangers their position it wouldn't be necessary. So now I've gotta get used to my new red hair, just in case...

'You awake?' Kal peeked up to his bed.

'No, I'm not.'

'Good!' He threw Conan's letter at him.

It's heavy!?

He opened it and turned it upside down, littering his bed with papers.

Oh! My new passport... and vaccine booklet? And why do I get a student ID if I'm not even a student anymore?

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