Chapter six - Part two of day one

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'Good work guys. Here, your pay.' Sander handed them each six euros and patted their shoulders.

Once they left Kal checked the time. '12:30. We finished half an hour earlier than planned. Maybe we could get something else done before the next one.' He looked through the letter carefully. 'Well... We'd have to be quick to get back by one for your check up but... I think we might be able to get the delivery done in time.'

'Okay. Wait does that mean we have to go back to the post?'

'No, it's a "special delivery" in other words it's either been requested to be delivered directly for personal reasons or to keep off the security ways because isn't something that can be handled lightly. It could be weapons, drugs, fireworks, I even heard a rumour about slaves once.'

'Umm. Then where are we going?'

Kal glanced at the letter. 'Room 274.'

From the outside room 274 looked just like all the others.

All the corridors look the same. How is it possible to remember which way to go?

Kal knocked.

'Why are there no doorbells?'

''Cause the rooms are small and there's no need for doorbells.'

The door opened. The woman who opened it looked like a typical hippy. Colour stained clothes and headband. Only the fancy round glasses are missing. Even so she looked pretty.


'Hi, I'm Kal and this is Conan. We're meant to deliver something?'

'Oh, yes! Here.' She handed them a package, it was pretty normal looking, not small, nor large, about the length of an A4 sheet but not as long in width.

'I need you to deliver this to my mother, it's only a five minute walk but unfortunately I'm unable to take it to her myself. Here's the address.' She gave Conan a piece of paper.

'Thank you.' She closed the door.

'I'm guessing you know the way?' Conan asked, kicking a rock as they went.

'Sure, I learnt most of the street names in this city a while back, we should be there soon, then we'll just have to find the house number.'

'You learnt most of the street names!?'

'Yeah... I might have too much free time...'

'Are you kidding?' He laughed.

Kal looked down. 'I haven't had such a busy day in... Ever. I don't have many friends either so I don't have anyone to hang out with to waste time.'

'Well, you've got me.'

Kal smiled and nodded. 'Number 14, there it is!' He pointed and sped towards it.

Conan followed him. 'This should be it.' He looked at the address on the paper.

'Let's ring the bell.'

A soft ringing could be heard from somewhere inside the house, then a relatively old woman opened the door.

'Oh hello there! What brings you two charming lads to this old lady's home? Shouldn't you be at school?'

'We have a package from your daughter.' Kal smiled politely. 'May we come in for a moment?'

Should I smile too? Nah, I don't feel like smiling.

'Of course, come in, come in.'

This, this doesn't look like a normal house. Maybe a fortune-teller's house?

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