Chapter seventeen - The lost girl

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The birds twittered in the trees above, insects went about their daily lives and occasionally a small animal would run past.

Ellie watched the wonders of the forest as she followed the worn out path at a leisurely pace.

The air is amazingly fresh, and weird but interesting smells come from some of the plants. Oh, hi there!

A squirrel ran past in front of her.

Hmm, I wonder what the market will be like... And what I'll do once I get there... 'Nuh...' What was that? 'Nuhh...' Is that sobbing?

She instinctively moved towards the sound, leaving the path behind her.

'Mama... Kuhck!' A young girl sat at the trunk of a big oak, she raised her head in alarm as Ellie approached her.

She really was tiny, her black hair was wet from her tears and her yellow dress was torn in more than one place.

Ellie walked towards her slowly, gesturing "Calm down" with her hands.

'It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you, calm down.' What am I doing? What am I supposed to do? Okay, just go with the flow...

The child stared at her frightfully nonetheless but didn't attempt to move.

Ellie got closer and closer, she knelt down beside her and without thinking about it, gently hugged her.

'It's okay now, you're alright now.' She whispered.

The girl burst into tears and hugged Ellie back. Ellie kept whispering comforting words until the girl had more or less calmed down.

'Alright then.' Ellie held her at an arm's length. What now? She's probably between four or five years old... Or maybe 6. 'Are you hungry? I know I am! Let's see what we've got.'

She took off her bag and set it down between them.

'So, we have... Baked beans?' She looked at the can in wonder and then set it to the side. Where the hell did they get that? Oops sorry, I didn't think that thought through. Wow, that sounded weird.

'Let's see what else we've got...' She reached into the bag and took out another can of beans. 'More baked beans...' She took out three more cans and set them to the side.

She looked through the bag. There was a blanket, three small bottles of water, two wooden spoons and her old clothes. She checked the front zip. Only tissues here...

'Sorry, guess I've only got baked beans for food. Okay.'

Ellie opened two cans, she handed one to the girl and then gave her a spoon.

They sat on the ground and silently ate their beans.

She seems so hungry. I wonder how she ended up in such a state and she got here...

Ellie felt an awkward silence approach.

'So, er... I'm Ellie. What's your name?'

'Sara.' The girl answered after chewing the beans that were currently in her mouth.

'Sara. That's a nice name. How did you end up here all alone?'

She stopped chewing and tears ran down her face.

'Oh, no, I didn't mean to make you cry. Here.' She gave her a pack of tissues.

Sara wiped her face and blew her nose. 'I was by the river beside the village...there was a fire... I-I got scared so I ran away...'

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