Chapter twelve - The Blood Ball

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There are so many people here...

He peeked down at the crowd from the railings.

'Go on. As the most important person at this ball you've got a responsibility to attend.' The maid gently pushed him towards the stairs.

He gulped and reluctantly descended, trying to avoid attention as much as possible.

This is so awkward, what am I meant to do? He slowly walked around the room with no real purpose in mind.

'Hey!' A waiter touched his shoulder.

'Ka...!' What was his name again? 'Why are you a waiter?'

Kal lowered his voice. 'I'm trying to find the Princes. The jam and vanilla crosantats are especially scrumptious.' He changed the subject as some adults walked by. 'I don't mean to use you but if you don't have anything to do you could use your temporary title to do a good deed.'

'What are you talking about?' Conan eyed him suspiciously.

'You see that waiter? I heard she's working in her sick mother's place. She's been eyeing the cakes for a while now.' With that he walked off.

Oh come on! Is he serious? Just leaving me?

He unconsciously wandered towards the hungry waiter.

She was slightly shorter than him.

'See anything you'd like?' He asked from behind her.'

Realising he was talking to her, she seemed quite frightened. 'N-no, I-I can't.' She tried to walk away.


She stopped.

'Please I didn't mean to scare you.' This is like a scene from a movie. Never thought I'd be good at acting, but I'm pretty good.

'You look hungry. Please, pick something. If I'm with you no one can complain about it.'

'No, I-I'm not hungry.'

'Please?' Kal, I hope you're satisfied.

She nodded slowly and reluctantly approached the table. Conan handed her a plate and she cut a small slice of strawberry cheesecake.

'Let's sit down.' Conan suggested.

The girl followed him, as if obeying orders.

Well, in a way she is doing what she was told.

They found an empty table and sat down (Conan remembering to push her chair in for her first).

She's hesitating. Almost as if she suspects the cake is poisoned. 'Go on. Eat.'

She cut the tip off and put it into her mouth. As she chewed it her eyes lit up.


She nodded enthusiastically.

Conan watched her eat. I guess she's just never eaten cake before... Kinda fascinating...

As she was finishing up, scraping up the last few bits of pudding and crumbs, Kal appeared.

'Found them.' He whispered into Conan's ear.

'Well, thank you for... letting me watch you eat.' He stood up. Now she'll think I'm some sort of freak...

'No, thank you. It was really delicious.' She stood up too, slightly bowed her head and proceeded to carry the empty plate to the kitchen.

The boys left the table and wandered in the direction Kal had spotted their targets.

'How do I get them to come with us?'

'Say something like your mother wants to talk with them in private.'

'But she's right there.'

'Then make something up. Improvise.'

The man with the mustache, it's Prince without a doubt. And the other family members are there too.

'H-hello, Mr Prince right?' Conan stretched out his hand.

'That's right. And who might you be?' He shook Conan's hand.

'Peter, Peter Pantomhive.' He wants to murder Peter so he couldn't possibly turn down an invitation to be in a secluded place with him.

'Peter!? Golly! I haven't seen you since you were this big!' He showed the height of a toddler. 'I was sorry to hear about Lily. In fact, I'd like to say a few words for her. But preferably in private. Would that be possible?'

This is too easy. 'Of course. But if it were just the two of us it would get a little awkward, don't you think?'

'Yes, yes, you're right. Oh, I know! How about my family joins us. They're all here after all, and I'm sure they'd like to express their feelings too. Right my dear?'

'Of course, darling. Afterall, it's such a tragic matter.'

'So how about it?'

'Alright. Ron will be joining us too. In case we'd like some drinks.' You have to accept, after all he's just a kid.

'Great! Lead the way.'

They lead the Princes to the room the mistress had reserved for the task.

According to her, there's a servant in the room opposite who'll lock us in.

Kal held the door open for everyone to enter, then entered himself.

Mrs. Prince sat to the coffee table and the three Prince kids jumped onto the bed.

'Hey! Don't be rude! Off the bed!'

'It's alright really.'

The kids, now confused as in what to do, stayed on the bed.

Conan went to look out of the window.

(Warning: Violence, Blood, Death)

I'm actually surprised he brought his kids too. Now I have to buy enough time for the servant to lock the door and...

Clink! The sound of the door locking from the outside surprised everyone but Kal.

In the blink of an eye he took his knife from his vest and plunged it into the neck of the person nearest to him, Mrs. Prince. Her lifeless body fell to the floor.

As Conan saw her empty eyes he felt a wave of nausea and then as if he'd been drained of blood.

He watched as Kal stabbed Mr. Prince more than once, as he tried to fight back.

Conan, trembling, slowly dropped himself to the ground. Smells that were unknown to him mixed and mingled. It felt like all his energy had been stolen from his body and all that remained was cold fear and nausea.

He let his head fall to his knees so that he didn't have to see the horror. He shut his eyes, trying his best to ignore his other senses.

Their last screams, the smell of blood mixed with the exotic smell of perfume and wine, occasionally a spray of liquid he refused to acknowledge.

Then there was a moment of silence.

'Are you okay? You look really pale and you're shaking too.' Kal's familiar voice asked.

Conan slowly looked up and opened his eyes. At the sight of Mrs. Prince's lifeless eyes and Kal, splattered in blood, another wave of nausea struck and this time he could keep it down.

Once he was finished vomiting Kal came closer.

'Are you okay?' His face showed concern but the effect was ruined by all the blood. He reached his hand to Conan.

Conan desperately retreated from his touch. 'Y-you kill-!' He said breathing heavily and then clasping his mouth shut trying unsuccessfully to repress the nausea. 'Bleagh!'

'Yeah, that was the mission.'

But... How...? Ugh... His consciousness faded into darkness.

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