Chapter thirty seven - Where To?

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"Knock, knock!"

Whispers could be heard from inside. 'It's him!'

The door opened as Debi (now awake) tossed a small white handbag to Ellie and she put her new phone in it. 'Hi!'

'Hi, you ready?' He started getting red in the face because of the other girls staring at him.

She nodded as she walked out, then said a quick goodbye to the others before closing the door behind her. What's this? No. I'm not scared. Why would I be scared? I've been alone with him before. Sure I already knew he killed people, but maybe knowing I was right is what's got me anxious...

'You look good.' He said as he started walking. 'I just put on what came to hand,' he glanced down at his hoodie and jeans, 'sorry.'

'Thanks, it's ok, I would have put on whatever too if it weren't for them.' She nodded in the direction of the door they had left behind.

Zack pit on an almost forced grin. 'So, how was your day? All good?'

'Yeah, it was fun hanging out with them. How about you? Finished all you had to do?'

'... Almost.'

'Where are we going?'

'You'll see.' This time he really smiled. 'Since I won't have any time tomorrow (K9 will take care of that) and then they'll send me back to the corps, I thought we should go somewhere special. Just follow me.'

They walked along, side by side.

'Random question: are there any cannibals here?'

He looked at her surprised. 'That really is a random question. Why?'

'Just curious.'

'Not many, but there are a few. But it's all safe, they get brochures on legal meat and how to prepare it so that it doesn't cause any health damage.'

'How do you know all that?'

He kept his eyes forward. 'Accident. It's ok if we take the stairs right?'


He led the way through the doors to the staircase and up the first flight of steps.

'Wait!' He caught her hand to stop her.

Two shoppers walled up past them.

'Sorry.' He let her go and looked around. 'I just... I think I should tell you a bit about where we're going first.' He unlatched something on the frame of one of the big pictures hanging on the wall beside them. It slid open without a sound.

'It's not what we'd call "customer friendly".' He gestured for her to enter.

'Woah!' Ellie looked around inside.

It was a space inside the wall beside the elevators.

This seems dangerous.

As Zack closed the hatch, the right elevators came up. It didn't stop but even so, a man who was standing on the plank fixed to the back of it hopped off. There were more people standing there but he was the only one to get off here.

The dark man walked up to Ellie. 'Well hello~.'

'Hey!' Zack answered, in a slightly threatening manner. He put an arm around her shoulder and led her away. 'Don't look at anyone and don't talk to anyone. Those who travel here have bad reputations.' He whispered.

'We're here.'

'There are always exceptions.' He sort of smiled but also gritted his teeth.

They waited and watched as the second elevator rose. First they could only see a few heads bobbing up, then their bodies came up too. This one didn't stop either.

Ellie, not used to the speed, only got one foot on in time but Zack helped her up.

The other passengers kept to themselves although, now and then she caught someone staring her way, she quickly averted her gaze. Some got on, some got off.

They went up three floors.

'Next one's our stop.' He breathed.

Ellie nodded, prepared to jump. But there was no need to, the elevator stopped.

They quickly got off and Ellie watched as it disappeared below.

She followed Zack up two flights of stairs.

He turned to her and smiled before dramatically opening the door to a very "green" scene.

Ellie's eyes widened as she saw the flower filled grass and the vegetable patches farther off. 'Whoa...'

'Told ya this place was special.'

'How..? I thought there were only twelve floors?'

Zack nodded. 'But you're not a customer anymore. So now you know there are actually fifteen. Not counting the ones under the ground floor.'

'Other than the parking?'

'Well, the sports centre is open, but then there are the black markets and underground escape tunnels.'

'It's hard to believe any of this exists.'

'I guess it is. The place you're from had a lower level of advancement.'


'You know... Like, it wasn't much different but you didn't have phones like these and stuff. Yeah, that was the perfect explanation.' He said sarcastically as they walked past the rose garden.

'It's okay. I get it, like those places where they still live in castles or in those futuristic buildings that we're not supposed to see.'

'Yeah. Those. Hey, you like apples right?'

'Yeah, why?' She asked, slightly suspicious.

'Because I know just the tree to climb.'

'Climb? I mean I'd love to but, in this dress?'

'Who cares? I mean- no that's not what I mean. If you want to climb a tree, then what's stopping you? It's theoretically possible to climb trees in dresses, so..?'

'Ok, ok, fine.'

They were quiet for a while, admiring the scene.

'We aren't allowed to climb trees here are we.' She asked in a similar tone to "I give up."

'Nope!' He smiled cheerfully.

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