Chapter twenty - Unwelcome guest

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Darkness. And silence. The only noise Celeste could hear was the constant sound of static in her ears. It's always there she just rarely pays attention to it. After a short trip to the toilet, she was having trouble falling asleep again.

Why won't you go away? Leave! She made the girl, about 19 or 20 years old, dressed in brown flowery clothes, disappear in an explosion of white. But only a moment later she was back again.

The girl had gotten here when Tina got a book in the mail. It was something from another psychick who had tried to help Celeste find her voice before. They'd just passed it off as her trying to get her past customers back to earn some extra money.

She felt her body exiting itself as her vibration was forcefully increased. Her breathing and heartbeat sped up and she started sweating.

Oh~ no. There's no way you could take over my body. None at all. You may be stronger than me but you can break the rules. I can't leave this body yet. GO AWAY!

She tried again. But it was useless. How about this? She tried to send her off to someone who had similar abilities but she'd just reappear again.

Cheater. This isn't meant to be possible. And how can you be in more than one place at the same time? Sure time and space doesn't matter but you're not meant to know this! Now she was really pissed.

The girl, it seemed, wasn't only targeting her. She was also approaching the others. Her family.

Don't you dare touch them! Leave my family alone! She encased herself and the others in the room in balls of white light. The girl seemed to teleport inside.

The statik in her ears got louder and louder. She tried to push the girl away by increasing her own energy in her body. Then she heard distant voices, which made her hope she'd fallen asleep. But the voices gradually melted into one. A scream.

'HELP ME!' The voices stopped as suddenly as they'd come.

Get out of my head! Weirdo! How the hell do you have so much energy? Ok, first of all I will not talk to anyone. I won't go to you family and tell them, "hey, there's five thousand dollars buried in the garden" or anything like that. Her body was still tingling with unnatural energy. But if it's something like you want to be remembered then I can write you in my book. Then the characters and the readers will remember you. That fine? The tingling stopped and she noticed how exhausted she was.

She paused, tired and in need of sleep. She pulled her legs up to her chest. Calm down, it's alright now. Calm down. Haha, I don't even know which of us I'm talking to anymore. Probably both of us. It's alright. Calm down. Great. Now I'm all wet. Ok. She sighed in her thoughts. Come here. You can stay tonight. It's my first time hearing someone's voice. I'll consider that as payment for your rent.

As I told you in the beginning, if you entertain me you can stay, but if you try anything funny involving my family I'll cut you to shreds. In her thoughts she was holding a knife to the girls throat, ignoring the fact that it was quite unlikely that she'd be able to do that. Before letting the girl fall to the floor she thrust the blade into her stomach. But of course, it hadn't had any effect

Funny how in movies, the inside of people's heads is always shown as an endless white place. She looked around in her thoughts. But my mind is black.

She saw the girl, brown hair, brown eyes (though she claimed to have had blue eyes) and felt a pressure on her skin, her left breast. Ok, stop. That's the cause of your death, ok, but I don't care about your past. I don't wanna know. What matters is who you are now, not who you were. Oh, well, this is probably how I end up befriending the bad guys. The ones who simply need someone to rely on, a friend. What time is it?

She reached out for the fitness band that she actually only used as an alarm clock. 5:27 I've still got some time to sleep. Let me sleep now, I'll write you into the story tomorrow. I wrote another pushy one into it too, he's not likely to appear in any other chapters though, but I can't know yet. You'll get a chapter and we'll see whether you're needed later on. I'm thirsty. But I don't want to sit up and drink. No. I don't want to fall back into those years of fear. Scared of everything. My body's disciplined, it does what I tell it to, but my spirit? My spirit controls me. Sure thoughts and feelings have an impact on my actions, but just thinking won't get me to drink if my spirit is unwilling to move.

Her consciousness swayed. She heard Olivia. 'This shit!' And Tina. 'Your hair!' And Abi. 'Play with me!'

Are these their dreams? She unconsciously slipped further into Abi's dream. They were Roblox figures in a game that looked more like Minecraft. Other than her and Abi, there was a third person there. A stranger.

The buzzing static in her ears was really loud again and she realised she wasn't asleep after all. She was wide awake and sweating. Again.

Seriously? The buzzing continued and she recalled what had happened the first time. She'd added her own energy to the static which allowed her to hear the voice. Alright, let's try that.

Like last time the voice (this time a man's) repeated what it wanted about ten times really fast and distant, then once clearly. 'PLAY WITH ME!?'

Ok, I'll play with you. What do you want to play? But the spirit had already passed on. Hmm, is it really that hard to find someone who'll agree to such a creepy offer? I mean if he were alive, I wouldn't have agreed, but like this...

She checked the time. 6:27 Exactly an hour. But I did wait a lot before I checked the time the first time... There are lots of ways you could play though, like if you play with people, making them believe things.

Okay. She opened her eyes and happily noted that she still only saw material objects. The physical plane. But, of course there were always exceptions, like randomly being able to see auras sometimes or the blue and yellow lining of light around, not just objects, but colours too (that's most fun when it's about chess boards or the letters in books).

She quietly went to the bathroom. She felt dizzy and sluggish, as if her head were filled with water. In the mirror was the same girl as always. Dark hair, brown eyes and a grin that appeared as she saw herself. Her heart jumped as she saw the glint in her own eyes. It's good to be me. And even though I keep hearing stuff about mirrors, they don't bother me anymore. Other than when I feel the pull of one in a daydream at school or something. And I still don't get all the talk about ghosts being cold.

She washed her hands, drank some water and with her wet hands she washed her face a bit, then she went back to her bed.

For a while things were calm. Then the static got louder. She tried keeping her body calm though, and more or less succeeded. Ok, what do you want to say?

The voice was (again) different. Hoarse, like someone who hasn't had a drink in a long time. 'TRADE WITH ME!'

No! I'm not trading anything, so you can just leave. Even in games I rarely trade stuff unless I know who I'm trading with.

This one left as fast as it had come too.

5:18 The time between them has gotten considerably shorter. The first ten times they say something sounds like the fast parts in "The disappearance of Hatsune Miku" it's impossible to keep up unless you concentrate on only that.

The buzzing in her ears continued, sometimes deafeningly loud, sometimes quiet. She ignored them, as she had before she knew what they were. And while singing her favourite songs in her head to distract herself, she slowly fell asleep again.

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