Chapter fourteen- Eight years later

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Ellie ran through the dark forest, her pale hair caught on twigs, her shirt and shorts were ripped by thorns and her arms and feet were scratched and bruised by countless branches that seemed to come out of nowhere in the darkness.

(Don't worry, we'll get back to Conan later. Ellie will have an important role in the story so take this time to get to know her.)

All the while she kept her gaze from wandering towards the sound barking and panting coming from the seven grey wolves behind her.

She ran towards an unknown destination where the wolves wouldn't be able to get to her.

They were getting closer every step of the way.

She had to find a way to lose them but she knew if she just hid they would find her by following her scent.

A branch slapped her across her face. That's it! She thought. I doubt wolves can climb. I'll climb up one of these trees and they'll probably get bored of waiting for me to come down after a while.

She scrambled up the next tree that seemed sturdy enough to hold her weight. She climbed until she was sure she was safe.

Ellie looked down and through the leaves and branches she saw the wolves scratching the bark of the tree, unable to follow her. Then they laid down, waiting for her to come down.

I'll have to spend the night here. She decided and shifted on the hard, thick branch, trying to get into a more comfortable position.

She let her legs dangle down the side of the branch and let her head rest on a smaller one that came out from behind her.

I really wouldn't want to be here alone...

When she was sure that she wouldn't wake up to a bunch of wolves tearing her apart, she shut her eyes and, after a few minutes of feeling guilty about not having a bath or brushing her teeth, dreamt of the past.

She wouldn't have been in this mess in the first place if it hadn't been for her older "brother".

Ellie had always doubted that they were related, her parents had died when she was only an infant so she didn't remember them at all. At least, not from when they were alive.

In the orphanage they never told her anything about her family, or much about herself. She didn't even know her surname or the date of her birthday.

The new children were usually a bit depressed but after lots of funny stories and games they made lots of new friends and cheered up.

The kids who were old enough to attend school were sent to boarding school which had the downside that they could only be adopted during holidays.

They either got adopted or they grew old enough to be allowed to leave the orphanage by themselves.

In Ellie's case, she was adopted by her "long-lost-brother".

He said he was 21 and owned a field by the forest.

Ellie got her own room, it was an attic room where the roof leaked when it rained, the wooden beams had started to rot and the bed was made of a bunch of old blankets and pillows recklessly thrown in a corner, but still, it was her room. And she got a hot meal for doing her chores each day.

Ellie was woken up by a distant drumming and chanting coming from the woods to her left. It was still dark and the moonlight illuminated the forest.

I wonder what that is... She peeked down. The wolves are still sleeping, but it would be too risky to climb down, they could wake up any second. I'll have to go a different way if I want to find out what all the noise is about.

Barcrow's: Codename K9Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora