Chapter twenty three - Train station

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'I-' Zack started. 'I just can't figure you out.'

'What do ya mean?'

'You first seemed like the goodie-two-shoes type of girl but you're not like that, am I right?'

'I don't understand what you're saying.'

'I saw you pick up the money.'

'Wha-? But that-!'

'Don't worry, no-one else saw. I just notice more than the average person. I'm just... surprised.'

'Me too.' She sighed.


'Not even I know that side of myself, it just sometimes takes over, only a little but it still gets annoying afterwards when I'm regretting my actions.'

'So is that why people say women are a mystery? 'Cause they don't understand themselves either?'

'I don't know. How about you smarty pants? Do you understand yourself?'

Not one bit. ''Course! I'm smart, fit and extremely handsome.' He smiled jokingly.

'Yeah right!' She elbowed him in the ribs, or at least tried, he blocked automatically but instead of becoming all serious they just laughed it off.

In front of the wooden building stood a (as Zack called her) "crazy cat lady". With cats circling around her feet she was shouting random things at passersby, who seemed determined to ignore her.

I don't blame them either.

Nonetheless the woman kept talking. 'Dog fur! I smell dog! You!' She pointed at a man in overalls who noticeably increased his speed. 'You smell of mutt! Damned hell hounds! Chasing my pretty kitties up trees.' She picked one up and rubbed her face in it's fur.

As Zack and Ellie tried to pass she clutched onto Ellie's dress and loudly whispered at them both. 'Don't follow that boy! Heed my words, he'll lead you to the depths of hell from where you can never return!'

'Let her go!' He stepped forward protectively.

Ellie stayed more cool headed. 'It's ok Zack.' It's weird saying his name. 'Thank you for the advice but I'm pretty clear with my choices. And if I do end up in hell I'll still be satisfied knowing that it was my own choices that lead me there. I am where I have to be. Always.' She smiled, eased her clothing out of her grasp and left with Zack following behind.

'Listen to me child!' The hag shouted at them. 'If you want what's best for you-' The door closed, drowning out the sound of her voice.

'But I don't want what's "best" for me.' Ellie muttered in an upset voice.

'Wow. I wasn't expecting that. That was so passive aggressive...!'

'Huh. I didn't mean for it to be. I just told her my opinion that's all.'

'So... normally I wouldn't ask but I guess you've already seen I'm not all that... honest a person. I mean, the thing with the money, you know.' He was gesturing uncomfortably with his hands. 'So, what I'm trying to ask is whether you'd want to get on the train without tickets? It's not all that comfortable and it has its risks but you wouldn't usually travel in a non-passenger carriage...'

'I'm in.' She smiled. 'I'd be interested in how you're planning to pull it off without getting in trouble, and besides, there might come a time when I can steal your tricks, but I can't steal them if I don't see them can I?'

'What what? Why would you be planning to steal my tricks?'

'I'm not planning it. It's just a feeling. I might need them sometime.'

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